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Braum Build Guide by Dingye888

Jungle Braum jg !! Season 8 on Fireeeeeee

Jungle Braum jg !! Season 8 on Fireeeeeee

Updated on February 28, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dingye888 Build Guide By Dingye888 19 5 82,495 Views 0 Comments
19 5 82,495 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Dingye888 Braum Build Guide By Dingye888 Updated on February 28, 2018
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Why braum JG

In this season, "Runes" differs a lot from the past few seasons. The Reason that jg Braum works is because the keystone "Glacial augment" this provides a good 40 percent slow for the first target u hit with your auto attack. This is the best keystone and the most suitable keystone specifically for Braum. It works well with Braums passive of landing 4 hits with auto or q. When u land the first auto on a champion, their gona get a 40 percent slow and have 1 instant mark. This makes ganks very effective since any 1 can auto your target and stun them. The 40 percent slow means u don't have to relies on your q to caught people out because now if u auto them first, u pretty much can land the rest of your 3 autos from that slow.

Remember, your true power spike comes from midgame. when u built your jg items and your 2 core items, Frozen mallet and deadmans plate. The glacial augment makes all your slows follow up smoothly. Lets just calculate how many slows u could potentially applie in a level 6 core item fight.

first U w your teammate or minon for a jump in.
Activates blue smite - "Slow"
your first Auto. "Glacial augment 40% slow, deadmans plate slow, frozen mallet slow,
If they want to get away with these slows they have to flash or use some kind of leap.
Predict where will he run next. use your abilities.
q slow and ulti slow. if u landed ur q that's instantly 2 marks. By that time, your teammate probably also hit them once. so they will get stunned by your passive. Its not just the slow that are op. but your move speed and mobility. Deadmans plate fast, your e gives ms fast. You could also build black cleaver or triforce if your winning early. for the extra movement speed while hitting. U want to rush frozen mallet and deadmans because they also makes u very tanky and that's where your q damage comes in. a percentage from your HP.

"why build attack speed jg item not cinderholk."? its because the braums passive "every basic attack after the target is cced applies more ap.

now the Unflintching is op. cus your jg and u take smite. everytime u gank u like smite them so u get the slow resistance. which is good, because u relied on chasing people, you are the ones to impale their movement and gain speed.

Then we have Approch velocity. No need to explain. Just helps when u gank. when they cced enemy so u could go in faster. or if u q , your teammate can react quicker to auto them.
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Braum is a good champion, and its suited in any situation. cc,peel,chase,disengage,tank,buff damage debuff also has a e like yasuo's windwall. Braum is a good pick, not much counters him, his counters are not common. "who plays bard 24-7" Braum is not only good for your adc. but your team as a whole. With his passiv, your team can kill focused target quicker. stunned target absorbs extra damage. with his w that lets him jump to a friendly unit makes his playstyle very reactivly. eather to engage or disengage. unlike leona , bliz or naut. most of thier ablity is only for engages and if things goes wrong, they are the ones end up caught.
braum is especially good at team fights , the burst prof tank. unlick alister he blocks Huge damage, but cant block targeted spells, like viger ult , anni q, brand ult.

most tank champ just stand in front and peel its just cc, while braum has the ability to absorb damage and cancel projectiles that could turn the game around. e.g like Graves ult &q
velcoz q w e , draven ult, e, ezz ult q w e, ahri, q w e r, vigers ult q and manny more.
all those ulti can do major damage, if you peel those off, then its a huge advantage for your team.

The fact how braum can give percentage mr and armour to his teamate based on his own, can soak up alot of damage, depending on the enemy damage type, and giving that risistance to your adc or fighters, can make survive seconds longer which can change the game. "zz portal op" the more hp braum build , the more damage his q will deal and gives more sheld to his "face of mountain target"
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Mabe this build works with other tanky champions that uses autos as their fighting style. like udyer. Yea why not just play udyer... with this build combied with udyer would be op as fk.
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Team works

You work better with lains that auto attacks alot, like trynd top or bot lain with adcs. since they can activate your passiv and get bonus damage onto people. the fact you can block burst with your e and w, can used to peel at the same time. You can go in with w onto a minon or teamate, then land q to slow or use it to get stacks.

Good teamwork champs
Mid : Yasuo-ezz-twisted fate

Top: yasuo-vane-quinn-irlia-trynd-yii-darius-maoki
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dingye888
Dingye888 Braum Guide
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Braum jg !! Season 8 on Fireeeeeee

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