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Thresh Build Guide by Like AG6

Support Carry Your ADC !

Support Carry Your ADC !

Updated on May 24, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Like AG6 Build Guide By Like AG6 1,905 Views 0 Comments
1,905 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Like AG6 Thresh Build Guide By Like AG6 Updated on May 24, 2015
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Im a Diamond Support Main. Thresh is one of my faforite Support´s and with his help i reacht Diamond in days.

This is my first guide and i hope it is good enoght for ma boys out there.

Pls give me any Tips Pros/Cons to help me Improve my guide Thanks :)
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The Runes I normaly take for Support are with some Speed Quinns so you could also run them with Thresh!

But in this Guide i used those Armor Quins to make up for his early missing Armor.

And Btw You! should use those AD Marks to Poke in lane with your [E] Passive, it will hurt alot.
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For the Masteries you could also run some more Agressive or Devensive Masteries Like.

Agressive 9/0/21 or 9/21/0

Devensive 21/9
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Supporting is all about Adjusting to the enemy Team and what your Team needs best!!

If your ADC is under pressure from CC ( what he shoudl be ) you need your Mikaels to protect him.

If the enemy Team has much Ap =====> Go for a Agies!
If the enemy Team has much AD or high attack speed go for ====> Randuims or Frozen Hearth!
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Skill Sequence

You can Also go for the [Q] First for some crazy invades.

There is an another build for Thresh where u can ( if your hook lands) every 3 sec.
in this build u will skill your [Q] first and try to get 40% Cdr and there we go ;)
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Thresh´s [Q] is very powerful but you should think about like Lee Sins ( My mind is telling me no...!!) if you can go in now or not. Because if you dont press your [Q] again u will not fly to the enemy you hooked ;)

Thesh´s [W] is the best way to help your team to escape or give them a litle shield that also save lifes! :D

Thresh´s [E] is very important to Deny spells like Leona´s [E] or Jarvans [E] [Q] Combo or Lee sins [@] and many others. You can also use it to catch up on people or push them away.

Thresh´s [R] is a really good zone controll and also slow´s the enemy´s really really hard.
try to use it to much as many enemy´s as possible from your Carrys.
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Ranked Play

The more often you play Thresh the more u will understand that you dont need always randomly hook people. One of the better ways to hook ppl. is to just walk up to them [E] them backwards and afetr that you [Q] them. I promisse u will hit your hook more often ^^

Keep Your Vision up for your team !!!

Try to tell your Team that they can also buy Pinks and they can also upgrade their Trinkets to Ward some more! The more Wards u got the more piks you can make even if your Team is behind!!
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He got much CC
Free Escape with your [W] for the others :)
can block skills easy with is [E]
Souls giving him Armor!
He got a small shield
zone control with his Ult
Random hooks can win u the lane/game

He can protect his Carry´s in General very good :)
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He got no heals for his Carrys
sometimes its hard to last hit with your Relicshield
Blackshield is kinda Annoying for thresh

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