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Soraka Build Guide by Beridina

Support Carrying As Soraka Support

Support Carrying As Soraka Support

Updated on March 11, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Beridina Build Guide By Beridina 4,328 Views 0 Comments
4,328 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Beridina Soraka Build Guide By Beridina Updated on March 11, 2014
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Hello, My name is Kevin "Beridina" Miller. I am a Diamond support on NA. I play competitively in Japan and am considered one of the top supports in the Japanese competitive scene. I have been playing Support since season 1.

You can watch me stream at
I mostly play support there so if you want any tips or help message me or watch me there.
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If you are against a generic team with balance of AD and AP then go look at the final example build. Following that will be correct 90% of the time. The second purchase items are all important items that you should get every single time.

After you get sightstone swap out the warding totem for a sweeping lens. After sightstone rush talisman. Then if they have a heavy CC team, get mikaels before level 2 boots to cleanse your carries. After that get boots and you should have 40% CDR. You can spam heal, and Q and give your team infinite mana.

After you have your main items, you want to be tanky for you can heal your team and out live everyone. The longer you live the more you can shred their magic resist. So if they are full AD team, get Randiun's and Sunfire. Don't get magic resist if they don't do any AP damage and vice versa.
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Skill Sequence

The only one you might have to change is the level 1 and 2 spells. If your adc gets wrecked hard at level 1 then you might want to level heal first and star call second. But if they chase your adc then level Q and then just follow and auto attack while pressing Q.

Q does a lot of damage so leveling it first is very useful. You have enough AP and MP to shred anyone. The only support you might have trouble against is Alistair and Leona. But if handled correctly, should be no problem.
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Runes and Masteries

Offense Runes and Defensive Masteries is the way to go.

You should be tanky enough to not die 1 shotted so you can infinite sustain lane and do enough damage that you can spam Q and then E to deal tons of damage.
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Pros / Cons

Infinite Sustain
MR Shred
Global Presence

With your ult and infinite sustain, there is no way you can lose lane. If you fall behind. play it safe and farm to win.


Don't go all in
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If you have an adc that can use all the free mana like Cait or Sivir, then go for soraka. But you might want to see how much hard CC (stuns and fears) your team has before you lock in soraka. IF they try to go all in level 1, level Q and shred them to death.

Don't pick soraka if your adc can't use soraka to the fullest but it still can be done. Had to support Zed once and we just farmed til laning phase was over, then we had a team fight and won.

Thanks for reading, if you have any further questions feel free to ask. Besure to watch my stream and I'll see you next time.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Beridina
Beridina Soraka Guide
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Carrying As Soraka Support

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