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He has a great burst and its very dangerois for you since you are dps champion winning trades is going to be hard if you cant dodge his combo. When he ults you, use your ult behind yourself to stun him then throw W, Q and get some spacing between you. WATCH OUT FOR HIS SHADOWS!!!
Take barrier and try to scale under turret, once he gets level 6 there is not much you can do about if, if he hits ult you are dead.
She outrandes you greatly, try to dodge her Q and then go for trade, use your ult while she is in ult animation, you can jse flash to dodge her ult and still get the stun on her.
Try to dodge the daggers and use your w to immobilize her.
When he rushes you, use Q and ten run away while throwing E at him, poke gim with basic attacks to put cooldown on his passive.
Take ghost and try to kite him as much as possible, dont let him get 5 stacks of his passive.
Once he hits the prison you are pretty much dead, on top of that you are immobile champion, i would rather dodge the game if its ranked.
Try to keep spacing and dont let him stun you.
You can stun her while she casts her E, use flash to dodge her stun and still get he stun on her. Once she lands, cast W, Q and kite while throwing E at her constantly.
Punish her when she jumps on cannon minion with her Q , dodge her E and kite as much as possible, dont fight her while her passive is fully stacked.
Use your Q to take out his spell shield, dodge his Q and spam E as much as possible. If you time your ult correctly you might interupt his.
Dodge her Q, E combo and just run her down with Q and E, E, E... i recommend taking barrier because of her ult.
Dodge His E and dont get inside his W range, It is deadly. Try to harass him in the early game as much as possible, you can even take ignite for more kill pressure.
Get away from his pillar as fast as possible, dont go ear the walls and if he hits W, dont let gim proc the passive. Use your ult or W to prevent him from using second Ult.
Its mostly skill matchup. Watch spacing and dont let him lure you in the minions. His windwall doesn't affect your ult.
Great for kiting and provides immortality.
Great peeling and movement speed buff+slow on her E are great for kiting.
He can keep enemies away from from and you two have great cc and carry potential when together.
He has lots of cc and using his charm he can make enemy team face you and set you up a very good ult.
He can poison a lot of targets at once, that makes it easier for you to carry and deal more damage since you dont have to depend on your Q so much.
He has poison on basic attacks, Cassiopeia's wer dream. You can play Cassiopeia and Teemo on botlane, its awesome.
Great for kiting and provides immortality.
Great peeling and movement speed buff+slow on her E are great for kiting.
He can keep enemies away from from and you two have great cc and carry potential when together.
He has lots of cc and using his charm he can make enemy team face you and set you up a very good ult.
He can poison a lot of targets at once, that makes it easier for you to carry and deal more damage since you dont have to depend on your Q so much.
He has poison on basic attacks, Cassiopeia's wer dream. You can play Cassiopeia and Teemo on botlane, its awesome.
Use you E to farm, it refunds mana on minion kill and its great for stacking tear as well. If you need sustain you can use Q to poison the minions, your E heals you when casted on poisoned targets.
Throw your Q first, your E deals a lot more damage and even heals you if the target is poisoned. If you miss Q back off of try to get as much damage as possible from you W. Miasma(W) can be used to stop channeling like Nunu's snowball or Fiddle's ult. Its also great against higlhy mobile champion bcs of the grounding effect. Have in mind that if you use R+flash, ults locayion wont change, use that to dodge bemy abilities or and make plays.
Team fight
In team fight you want to stun as many enemies as possible, you can use flash to achive that, have in mind that they have to face you in order to get stunned. Use W to limit enemies monility and to peel for yourself or your team. Throw Q and then spam E as much as possible, prefferably on poisoned targets to get the most damage out of it.
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