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Mordekaiser Build Guide by Cheeseypops1

Cheeseypops1's 60% win rate to challenger guide

Cheeseypops1's 60% win rate to challenger guide

Updated on September 7, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Cheeseypops1 Build Guide By Cheeseypops1 7 0 4,657 Views 0 Comments
7 0 4,657 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Cheeseypops1 Mordekaiser Build Guide By Cheeseypops1 Updated on September 7, 2022
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Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Nimbus Cloak

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
Standard set up
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Cheeseypops1's 60% win rate to challenger guide

By Cheeseypops1
Cool tips for Mordekaiser
If you use your E in conjunction with your R if you aim it right without mobility spells they cannot dodge it because your R animation stuns them kind of snares them for half a second

If you pull people behind you and then ult them in lane the Deathrealm forces them to run towards your tower instead of their own usually meaning you pretty much always get the kill even if you do it in front of their tower since they have to run away from their tower

when vsing champions with the blade of the ruined king try to hold your w till you are on the verge of death because then the blade starts dealing no damage

Build negatron cloak if the enemy has a fed ap its so cheap and gets rid of pen and greatly reduces their dmg

radius omen briefly slows so it makes you get to always hit one ability unless they flash or dash

if you have a lead on Morde and can perma push the wave under the enemy tower run down to the river and just rift herald it gives 300g and will always let you take the full top tower even if the enemy is under it granting you a huge lead

a lot of games your job will not be to R the strongest person you can kill, but to just take an important character out of a fight so think creatively for example use your R to take junglers out of smite fights, take enchanters out so your team can kill their fed ADC or take out fed control mages so they cant aoe one shot your team and more

Don't always instantly throw out your spells wait for your enemy to get flustered and try to dodge them so you can catch up to them easily and then when you can see the enemy is flustered then throw it out


If you have any other questions on Mordekaiser or any other champs I play feel free to ask me on twitch while im live at
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Cheeseypops1
Cheeseypops1 Mordekaiser Guide
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