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Cho'Gath Build Guide by findzaico94

Jungle Cho'Gath aggressive jungle carry

Jungle Cho'Gath aggressive jungle carry

Updated on May 21, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author findzaico94 Build Guide By findzaico94 4,046 Views 0 Comments
4,046 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author findzaico94 Cho'Gath Build Guide By findzaico94 Updated on May 21, 2019
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Champion Build Guide

Cho'Gath aggressive jungle carry

By findzaico94
Why this build
This works great in lower elo, but i do not know how it ranks in higher ones. I got placed in Bronze 2 and with Cho'Gath jungle, i''ve managed to pave my way to Gold 4 in only 3 weeks or so. I've started off by looking at guides online myself, but after some 6-7 games, i've started developing my own play style and found that this works best for me. In addition to all of those items, i usually get between 13 and 18 R stacks in a game which gives me between 2080 and 2880 bonus HP on level 18. So you become less of a LoL champion and more of a boss that needs to be raided in some mmorpg. Enjoy! 8)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author findzaico94
findzaico94 Cho'Gath Guide
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