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Corki Build Guide by NatalGorilla

AD Carry Corki ADC Guide

AD Carry Corki ADC Guide

Updated on October 13, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NatalGorilla Build Guide By NatalGorilla 4,244 Views 0 Comments
4,244 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author NatalGorilla Corki Build Guide By NatalGorilla Updated on October 13, 2014
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Corki is one of the ADC's that is not prioritized. He has a strong mid and late game. In lane you wanna farm up until you have enough either for a Phage or a Sheen to get a good start on your Trinity Force. If you happen to pickup a kill or two from ganks or straight up in lane, you get a nice lead over the opposing ADC. Tristana is one of the most powerful ADC's right now in the meta but if you shut her down and just outfarm her, she'll have no chance against you. The next item you wanna get is the Infinity Edge to provide those unexpected crits that destroy enemy champs. You can get boots as either your 3rd item or 4th which are the Sorcerer's Shoes. The other essential item is the Bloodthirster. With this item you will provide that lifesteal that Corki needs and last in teamfights. Next if the other team is pretty tanky and you can see that many are building armor, build this Last Whisper. This just puts more damage onto the monster Corki you're building. Lastly, to finish off the build, build the Guardian Angel. This will keep you in team fights longer by reviving you and give you the boost of confidence to flash for the kill.
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Summoner spells are pretty self explanatory for an ADC which are Flash and Heal. The Flash for the escapes that you will need so you can stay in team fights longer. Since you are Corki, he basically has 2 escapes; his W and the Flash. This can be very useful in fights and escapes. The other summoner spell, Heal so you can last in trades when you're in the laning phase and in team fights when you're team needs the extra health. There are some other possible selections over Heal like Barrier or even Exhaust but Heal continues to prove it is the most viable choice.
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Skill Sequence

Corki's skills are very powerful and if used correctly could take out enemies in a breeze. At the beginning of the match, start with your Q and max that as much as you can because it can be used to land on enemies or minions, sometimes even both. You get your W second to prevent from being ganked. His jump escape is one of the largest from all the ADC'S. This makes him hard to catch while having flash at the same time. Whenever you feel free get your E to use for wave clear and in team fights. Once you're finally level 6 and probably could even have your trinity force by then, Corki is at one of his most powerful spikes. Take advantage of this moment whether it is in lane or in team fights. In lane if you know the other teams jungler is not near you, feel free to go all in on the other ADC if you know you will win the fight. I prefer to use my W to close the distance and then press E for the constant damage, land a Q on them, and fire your R rockets all in a matter of seconds. Prepare to see the damage land on them hard. Throughout the game put your skill points into your Q and R until they are maxed then max your E and W.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NatalGorilla
NatalGorilla Corki Guide
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Corki ADC Guide

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