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Corki Build Guide by svenniboy2008

AD Carry Corki Jungle [S4] Easy Win

AD Carry Corki Jungle [S4] Easy Win

Updated on December 15, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author svenniboy2008 Build Guide By svenniboy2008 32,415 Views 0 Comments
32,415 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author svenniboy2008 Corki Build Guide By svenniboy2008 Updated on December 15, 2013
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About me

Hi, at first I´m not a High Elo Player but I love to play Jungel and to test Champs in the Jungel. Corki is in my opinion one of the fastest jungler in League of Legends.
This is why I want to show you Corki Jungel
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Why in the Hell should I play Corki Jungel?
It´s easy with Corki´s Gatling Gun to clear the Jungel fast and the Ganks are really good because Corkis Gatling Gun reduces Armor and you Missele Barrage makes it easy to finish the kill.
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Jungel Route

You Start at the BlueBuff and you smite it.
Now you go to the Wraith´s and kill them.
(Go to Wraith´s when you have a lot of aoe dmg etc Corki)
(Only go to wolfes when you have no aoe dmg)
Now you do the Redbuff and your smite should be up so smite it then go to the wolfes
After this you should be almost level 4 now go to the wraiths and make them
now you are level 4 and you can gank

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Team Work

When you are playing Corki Jungel remember your Team that the Top Laner has to play more tanky, because my Guide is not for a tank Corki.
Lategame you are a bit tanky but early you dont have much live so be careful.
In Teamfight dont run into it like a fulltank follow the tank in the fight and attack from behind him and NEVER START the Fight!Ok with some champs you can engae but only when your team has a champ like Malphite how jump instand in the Fight.
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I took this Runes, because Corki does Hybrid damage.
For the Marks i used Armor Penetration Runes i toke these because Corki´s Gatling Gun + Runes do really high Damage.
You can use Attackspeed Marks too, but I like Armor Penetration Runes more.
I took the Seals because a Jungler need Armor to survive in the jungel.
For the Glyphs I used Magic Penetration because of Corkis Phosphorus Bomb, Valkyrie and Missele Barrage do Magic damage.
For the Quintessence i took Flat Ad damage because you need some early damage to kill Blue, Wraiths etc.
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Masteries/Skill Order

Simpel Masteries to clear the Jungel.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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Pros / Cons


    Fast Jungler
    Strong mid/lategame
    High Damage
    Funny to Play
    Nice Burst


    People say you troll
    Easy to Counter Jungle
    High Mana cost
    Need a good working Team
    Weak Early Game
    No CC
    Bad kiting
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Pictures and other Stuff

I will add maybe a Gameplay but i have to look how. My pc is too bad to make a gameplay :D
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-Changed some Mistakes and added new runes.
-Changed some Items and the Order
-Bug Fixes
-Updated Masteries
-Updated Jungle Route (wip)
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Last words

I hope you like my first Guide.
Try it and give me a feedback :)
When you found some Mistakes or have some Ideas to refine the guide or something else contact me. :)
Wow 1000 Views im really happy never thinked that I get 100 Views :b
(Guide is not 100%complette)
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