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Nocturne Build Guide by NocTopTurn

Top Darian's Oneshot Nocturne

Top Darian's Oneshot Nocturne

Updated on August 30, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NocTopTurn Build Guide By NocTopTurn 17 5 72,458 Views 0 Comments
17 5 72,458 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author NocTopTurn Nocturne Build Guide By NocTopTurn Updated on August 30, 2018
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Passive Umbra Blades
Every 10 seconds, Nocturne's next attack strikes surrounding enemies for 120% physical damage and heals himself.
Nocturne's basic attacks reduce this cooldown by 1 second (2 against champions).

This is mostly ur sustain in the lane. The healing is rediculous and the AOE clear is the perfekt tool to controll ur lane. Just get Corruption and the Kit will do the work.

Q Duskbringer
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 {{ abilityresourcename }}
Range: 1125

Nocturne throws a shadow blade that deals damage, leaves a Dusk Trail, and causes champions to leave a Dusk Trail. While on the trail, Nocturne can move through units and has increased Movement Speed and Attack Damage.

Nocturne throws a shadow blade that deals 65/110/155/200/245 (+75% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage and leaves a Dusk Trail for 5 seconds. Enemy champions hit also leave a Dusk Trail.While on the trail, Nocturne can move through units and gains 15/20/25/30/35% Movement Speed and 20/30/40/50/60 Attack Damage.

So to Oneshot enemys u need to get ur Electrocute burst. U need to hit ur Q very fast to gain the maximum damage burst. This spell is alsow ur poke and wave clear.

E Unspeakable Horor
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 {{ abilityresourcename }}
Range: 425

Nocturne plants a nightmare into his target's mind, dealing damage each second and applying fear to the target if they do not get out of range by the end of the duration.

Passive: Nocturne gains massively increased Movement Speed toward feared enemies.
Active: Nocturne plants a nightmare into his target's mind, dealing 80/125/170/215/260 (+100% Ability Power) magic damage over 2 seconds. If Nocturne stays within range of the target for the full duration, the target becomes feared for 1.25/1.5/1.75/2/2.25 second(s).

This spell is truely a Nightmare for ur opponents :p If u fear an enemy u get a massiv movement speed buff which is really overpowerd. This is ur main spell. After u hit ur Q u will do a autoattack and ur E. Now u got a very heavy burst on ur enemy and ur CC will do the rest.
W Shroud of Darkness
Cost: 50 {{ abilityresourcename }}
Range: 20

Nocturne empowers his blades, passively gaining Attack Speed. Activating Shroud of Darkness allows Nocturne to fade into the shadows, creating a magical barrier which blocks a single enemy ability and doubles his passive Attack Speed if successful.

Passive: Nocturne gains 20/25/30/35/40% Attack Speed.
Active: Nocturne creates a magical barrier for 1.5 seconds, which blocks the next enemy ability.If an ability is blocked by the shield, Nocturne's passive Attack Speed bonus doubles for 5 seconds.Shroud of Darkness will remain active during Paranoia's flight.

Here u got another attack speed buff and a great shield to survive some rough fights. For ur Oneshot Nocturne this spell is so fkn important! :p
To shield 1 ability can safe ur live- specially with this squishy build u got.

R Paranoia
Cost: 100 {{ abilityresourcename }}
Range: 2500/3250/4000

Nocturne reduces the sight radius of all enemy champions and removes their ally vision in the process. He can then launch himself at a nearby enemy champion.

Nocturne reduces the sight radius of all enemy champions and removes their ally vision for 6 seconds.While Paranoia is active, Nocturne can launch himself at an enemy champion, dealing 150/275/400 (+120% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage.

This is the ULTIMATE SPELL! I love this ult so much- u can get to every on in ur range and fear him instantly. That is ur gapcloser spell. If ur ULT is up u should get a kill because with this build ur just to heavy.
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Summoner Spells

U need Ignite here. Ur main goal are kills.
Of course take Flash
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As u can see on my Nocturne Top Guide (Just search Darian's Nocturne Top) i love to play with Lethal Tempo. I have to say that u can take Lethal too but in this guide we are trying to burst our opponent as fast as it gets. So in my eyes Electrocute is the right decision.
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Matchups/ Lane

Ur matchups are a bit hard now. U can be punished very easy. If ur vs a tank dont do a wrong move. Every mistake can cost u the lane- if u get ahead tho, ur fine. U have to practice this kind of Nocturne very hard to become good at this. If u get to a point in the game where u can kill the mid- or adc, u should be fine. But to reach that point u need to play very smart.
Go try it out in Normals and than just Oneshot guys in Rankeds! :p
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Have fun

This is a full Oneshot build. Dont try this first time in ranked please. Go in normals first and have some fun- figure out how to play variuos lanes and if u feel safe on him go in Rankeds. Have som fun! :)

Ps: If u want to play a Tank Nocturne or my Main Nocturne, visit my other guids.

Have some great games!

Fu5 Darian
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Fu5 Darian

Hey guys,
Iam a Nocturne Toplane Main and i hope u start enjoing it too!
By the way iam German so my english is pretty bad- please dont judge me to hard. I try my best! :p
Have some great games!
Fu5 Darian
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NocTopTurn
NocTopTurn Nocturne Guide
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Darian's Oneshot Nocturne

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