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Ashe Build Guide by RangerOak

Dat Ashe!!!

Dat Ashe!!!

Updated on February 24, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RangerOak Build Guide By RangerOak 1,226 Views 0 Comments
1,226 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author RangerOak Ashe Build Guide By RangerOak Updated on February 24, 2014
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So lets get rapin'

BAM! Yes, it is true, this is the greatest ashe build of all time. This build is the greatest because not only does it provide damage over time and sustainability, but your burst is insane. Them bloodthirster give you the 1 to 1 scaling on your "w" and your base damage. Which in turn gives you more 1 to one scaling on your tri-forceeeeee *****ess. To play Dat Ashe, you must last hit patiently until you have your passive stacked. Then, you simply "w", auto attack and rip half of their health away from them. The crit, which gives you 200% of your ad, plus the tri force, another 200% of your ad, and then the "w", another 100% + flat damage, dishes out OVER 500% OF YOUR AD IN DAMAGE IN UNDER A SECOND. But, if that beatdown isnt enough for you, no need to worry. Once you hit lvl 6, they will be no escape for them after their horribly failed trade. Dat Ashe can be played in a solo mid lane, or bot as an Attack Damage ****perontheenemy. Any way you play Dat Ashe, you will be sure to get some booty and see your elo go up up up.
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Laning Phase

Getting your hawtshawt (e) second will ensure that your gold stays way above your enemy laners. Simply last hit at the last possible moment to squeeze at much out of your passive as you can for more trading potential.
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Late Game

Your primary role will be to nuke down the enemies before the fight begins. Once the fight actually starts, no problem, you deal the same if not more damage than the standard adc. Simply find a weak target on their team and (e), auto attack for a buttload of damage. [If Dat Ashe is played correctly, damage with hover around 1200 for this simple combo.] Once a teamfight begins, get good positioning and play as an adc.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RangerOak
RangerOak Ashe Guide
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Dat Ashe!!!

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