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Blitzcrank Build Guide by Vagaboned

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Updated on December 4, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Vagaboned Build Guide By Vagaboned 1,988 Views 0 Comments
1,988 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Vagaboned Blitzcrank Build Guide By Vagaboned Updated on December 4, 2014
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ONLY PLAY THIS BUILD WITH DEF NOT BLITZCRANK SKIN! Because that way he inst blitz, hes DAVE, from accounting.
Always finish Muramana before building Archangel's Staff...always!
Made this build as a joke at first but ive carried more than 120 games with it so far and ive won almost 90 of them... With this build you have a huge amount of MS very early giving you the ability to catch people and get in range for a pull.
You also get a stupid amount of damage with an early sheen... You finish of must games with around 230-250 AD and 230-270 AP, thus giving you the ability to kill most ADCs, you also have almost 200 Armour and 180 MR.
When you get alacrity boots and triforce you move at around 520ms with your W up...and it should be up on CD.
Will update is perfect but im bored now so.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Vagaboned
Vagaboned Blitzcrank Guide
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