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Recommended Items
Runes: Jungle Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Challenging Smite
Ability Order Skill Build
Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard (PASSIVE)
Kled Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
The Jungle
Many people don't Jungle Kled because:
(1) Terrible clear speed
(2) Once unmounted, can't remount off jungle camps so passive is seem useless.
To counter this, we clear single camps early on only because our W allows BIG damage on single units. Ideally:
Step 1: Kill Krug/Blue/Red, order depends on the map side you are on and lane you want to gank first. You can clear very fast the three camps and from here you have options.
Step 2: Go onto enemy side Blue/Red and kill them there. Otherwise, gank a lane and get scuttle.
Step 3: Back for your Tiamat and you can now continue to gank/farm easier.
(Kled melts objectives fast such as dragon and Herald with W. Additionally, Kled can hit the back spot on Herald with little to no effort using "E" to get behind herald which allows easy kiting.)
(1) Terrible clear speed
(2) Once unmounted, can't remount off jungle camps so passive is seem useless.
To counter this, we clear single camps early on only because our W allows BIG damage on single units. Ideally:
Step 1: Kill Krug/Blue/Red, order depends on the map side you are on and lane you want to gank first. You can clear very fast the three camps and from here you have options.
Step 2: Go onto enemy side Blue/Red and kill them there. Otherwise, gank a lane and get scuttle.
Step 3: Back for your Tiamat and you can now continue to gank/farm easier.
(Kled melts objectives fast such as dragon and Herald with W. Additionally, Kled can hit the back spot on Herald with little to no effort using "E" to get behind herald which allows easy kiting.)
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