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Elise Build Guide by GTFOPlease

Assassin Double Penetration Elise

Assassin Double Penetration Elise

Updated on June 17, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GTFOPlease Build Guide By GTFOPlease 4,170 Views 0 Comments
4,170 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author GTFOPlease Elise Build Guide By GTFOPlease Updated on June 17, 2013
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One day, I thought to myself, WOW KENNEN is getting popular again, since its reappearance in the Korean sever with the double penetration. The strong auto attack poke and the strong late game ulti is game breaking and offers so much pressure. I thought to myself, who else can be a strong double penetration build? So I thought of Elise, her Q scales off of the opponents current HP and scales with magic pen, and her auto attacks offer so much poke early game. To top it off, her W in spider form gives her passive attack speed and when activated gives her lifesteal. Combine this with BotRK and other attack speed items, like Wit's End that shaves off magic resist, makes her one of the best dualing champion. (Don't forget about that catching potential and cc) Don't be too harsh, as this is my first guide, and I was testing the format of mobafire. Give it a try in normals and tell me how it goes ^.^ Remember, to change and break the meta, one must innovate and put it to the test. Trial and error, have fun, and enjoy. Thanks again! :D
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How Do I Play Her?

Early Game: Fort Pot start allows you to all-in effectively, do this, either you succeed and get fed right away or you die and you play passive and farm.
Middle Game: What you normally do as Elise, jump on the ADC or other strong targets, assassin them and move on.
Late Game: Same thing.

No seriously how do I play her?
Generally, as double pen Elise, you want to spam your human form spells and quickly change to her spider form. The spiderlings will greatly increase your DPS with this build and activate your W. BotRK and just stay on them. Essentially, you want to use your magic pen items to destroy their HP with human form, switch to spider form and use your attack speed items, BotRK with your W and chase them down while sustaining.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GTFOPlease
GTFOPlease Elise Guide
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Double Penetration Elise

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