Unplayable vs a good rengar he will perma invade you make it pain to play but you are 10x him in teamfights still my personal ban
rush zhonyas into this matchup as second item after liandrys
an even matchup depends who falls out of tempo first. if you fall out of tempo you lose if he falls out you win build at least one mr situational item probs kaenic into him.
just kite him dont get close to him when hes underground so he doesnt knock you up and then just kite him.
mercs + kaenic rookern situational item.
bel veth if good will invade you early make your life hell since she wins lvl 3 if you miss your w which is hard to hit cause she as 4 dashes. you are stronger in teamfights tho
go rylai second vs briar and ask your team to go anti-heal early then just keep your 4 stacks and run away from her when she uses her self taunt and kite her.
Also an early game bully that will stomp you if she invades you she will literally delete you if she hits her full combo lvl 3 but if she doesnt invade and you get lead you outscale hard
similar to briar you want to rush rylai early so you can be faster then him if hes bad its an even matchup if hes good and he saves his spell shield for you r makes him extremely op since you cant ult him.
Nunu & Willump
if ap you can literally one shot him with r + w + q if tank just build 1 magic pen item if he goes mr overall not that big of a problem.
Try to dodge her q also dont group against her she can e you and since you are lillia and have 1000 movespeed you will go back enough for her to be able to e into your team and get a good ult keep your distance and build some mr
similar to rengar he can completely counter you with his r but at least its r for r what makes him scary is his passive giving him insane movespeed and making him able to have similar movespeed to you
a good elise will easily dodge your r and jump burst you build some mr and you will be fine you outscale and are stronger in teamfights.
magic resist a must try to keep control wards around since shes probs flanking your team can shot you easily and catch you off guard with her passive.
free matchup literally never aa him build magic pen and just kite with q
his r is just broken especially with malignence build mr get perma vision around every inch around every objective or you lose his r is a game changer just like yours but his is stronger must build mr item kaenic into force as last 2 items are extremely strong
another free matchup build one magic pen item also go mercs since she has that annoying stun but with mercs shes literally a 0
if ap then a 2 if full lethality a 3
shaco gets countered by lillia q you can perma know where he is but hes such an annoying champ with an annoying kit that can literally one shot you be aware of your position and where he was last seen
ap shyvana has a huge burst that can hit you from a mile away that is kinda hard to dodge build some mr item you can be 10x her in teamfights with your r tho but shes still extremely annoying to play against try to get bot prio early and play for 1 drake trade 1 drake for grubs it helps a lot.
build magic pen and mercs and its an easy matchup but he still does insane dmg since riot likes to rework champs into broken champs try to dodge his rush at you with your movespeed if he misses that you can win the fight go rylai second against any tank jg.
champion itself is extremely strong and hard to play against if you go to q him he has enough range to e you stunning you allowing him to burst you , you want to build mr and try to sleep him with your e you can always q in teamfights with flash q r but he can just e you and flip the focus onto you.
NEVER walk into a graves keep kiting him from a distance and dont go into him just q run away a bit try to hit your e run back at him when your q is back keep doing that. build some armor item randuin omen best choice into him plus its a decent item on lillia.
similar to brand who gets tempo first wins but taliyah is extremely squishy if you can sleep her 99% shes dead but her combo is extremely dangerous to lillia if she hits that combo on you you are 99% dead if she hits her e only no problem BUT NEVER get hit by w or you are dead shes also stronger lvl 3 dont fight that unless you can 100% hit your w.
zhonyas second item try to zhonyas his burst if it focuses you overall a strong champ if he invades you he can easily win lvl 3 try to get vision on his raptors to track him early. ask your mid to ward raptors
udyr in theory seems like an easy matchup but udyr is hell champion is so broken has insane healing insane movespeed insane shield insane dmg
rush rlyai second and magic pen you can outscale him and be more useful in fights but you are rarely gonna win him 1vs1 since he will just ghost e runaway.
care for invade he might just come passive + smite your buff and leave kill daisy in fights and you are 10x him daisy is op tho she takes very little ap dmg and is annoying.
Jarvan IV
you can easily kite jarvan try to predict and side step his q + e only issue with him is that if he ults you you are dead whole point of lillia is movespeed if he denies you that and you dont have flash or zhonyas you are insta dead go zhonyas second or third try to keep your flash for jarvan r.
vi r can easily be countered just q her when shes about to ult you and then as soon as its over use your r try to run away as much as possible and isolate her from her team and close in on her in teamfights if she ults you. you outscale and easily kite her just side step her q.
a good viego makes a 5 viego is a type of champion you can not ult he will trade his ult for yours and its much more worth since his ult resets per kill unlike yours which as 120 seconds cooldown try to kite him dont get into his range dodge his stun if he hits his stun and has 2 items his burst will hurt. you can go rylai second here.
if hes tank voli its free ap a bit harder just run when hes using his r you can dodge it easily if you have 4 stacks you are also faster then him when hes chasing you with his q you can go rylai here too.
mr mr mr without its game over you can go zhonyas for his r or banshee zhonyas better since you can use it for your q flash r zhonyas combo but its still a bit annoying matchup focus onto dodging his q with your movespeed
kayn is all about timing if he uses his r when you r you insta lose that fight but if you save your r after he uses his you can win the thing about kayn is that he has high burst and a strong escape that you cant catch up to since he can go through like 5 walls.
one of the hardest matchups honestly if you are new to lillia just dodge it more worth she can easily invade and win you lvl 3 also her r completely destroys your r you can 5 man ult and she justs ults and completely denies you anything strong champ that can burst you so hard by the time you try to q her.
if he invades you early he will win kha q if you are isolated does huge burst with little to no cooldown you can not fight him pre 6 alone even after 6 never fight him isolated you easily win in groups especially lvl 6 since you can just q him and he cant use his r.
kite him just q leave q leave q leave go anti heal vs him. rylai helps a lot.
if he jumps r you just q r zhonya into w and then kite him you can see him even when he uses his clone with your passive burn hes strong and can easily kill you try to not fight him as much without a team in teamfights never group in one place so he cant ult more then 2 people at once.
Lee Sin
you can outscale lee, a problem with a good lee is that when you are going to q him its a free q for q trade for him and his q does way more dmg then yours since he can proc an entire combo with that q try to dodge his q if you can dodge his q you can easily win him in a 1vs1.
Xin Zhao
an annoying early game bully that you will never win in a 1vs1 even after 6 play for teamfights since your r is 10x his r in fights he has a strong gap closer that can allow him to airborn you into his full combo . you can kite him with rylai easily just if he dashes into you keep running and side step since he usually will use his long range spell at that time.
anti heal a must with zac also go magic pen with rylai try to kite him if you dodge his e and q you can easily just q w him even if you miss w try to not get hit by his q or e if you do you are probs dead by his team in fights.
Master Yi
master yi is a hard matchup his dmg is insane he has insane movespeed and damage with his r he can easily lvl 3 invade you and win his w can block your w dmg he can q your sleep you cant slow him with rylai or anything yi is honestly a dodge matchup if you dont have a hard cc comp.
Im DoxxTheLeague EUNE GM peaker lillia otp that only plays lillia ive also peaked master+ on euw. TIKTOK : https://www.tiktok.com/@doxxtheleague
feel free to contact me on league if you have any questions about the build
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