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Builds for draven
If u come here to learn how to catch axes... stop. Just play the champion and it'll come to you.
In lane expect enemy Jungler to see you as an actress on tinder.
Freezing isn't impossible on this champ, get used to actually trying to freeze for once.
No, you aren't better than that Varus/Brand bot lane
If you rage because Lulu is broken and isn't actually a support early game... you're not wrong, keep moving forward
Mute MF one-tricks who call your champion boring, they have dents in their heads
Think you are bad at draven and need reddit help? You probably are, keep playing and get better
In lane expect enemy Jungler to see you as an actress on tinder.
Freezing isn't impossible on this champ, get used to actually trying to freeze for once.
No, you aren't better than that Varus/Brand bot lane
If you rage because Lulu is broken and isn't actually a support early game... you're not wrong, keep moving forward
Mute MF one-tricks who call your champion boring, they have dents in their heads
Think you are bad at draven and need reddit help? You probably are, keep playing and get better
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