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Cho'Gath Build Guide by anthstep

Eat it and beat it Cho-Gath

Eat it and beat it Cho-Gath

Updated on July 21, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author anthstep Build Guide By anthstep 2,855 Views 0 Comments
2,855 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author anthstep Cho'Gath Build Guide By anthstep Updated on July 21, 2014
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Cho-Gath... By far the biggest and most scary of the champions. This build only increases the scare factor of Cho-Gath and will leave 100% of enemyies ****ting their pants. The following will be very brief, but will give you a general idea of how to accomplish such scare tactics. If the enemy cannot be scared by the sight of a fully stacked Cho-Gath with homeguard and teleport, I mean they have balls of steel GG.
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Yes, these are not standard Cho masteries in any way. But you have to realize that if you want to teleport more, you need to get summoner spell cool down. The more you can teleport the more you can scare people, it's simple economics.
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Teleport+ghost+homeguard=the scariest Cho-Gath in the history of ever
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The plan behind this whole build is to simply eat it and beat it like a 50's punk kid in a diner. In order to accomplish this you have to recall, teleport to a lane that has a tasty champ or two, eat them, and then use ghost to run away. Now when you eat the enemy it isn't really important if you get a kill, what's important is that you show them that they should be scared of a fully stacked Cho with teleport. Basically you're going to teleport in and scare the **** out of anyone near you.
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All in all, just be Cho-Gath. Embrace his hunger, and you will be rewarded with not kills but lols. Totes worth am i right?!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author anthstep
anthstep Cho'Gath Guide
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Eat it and beat it Cho-Gath

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