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Elise Build Guide by Xaverseltsam

Jungle Elsie the Conqueror

Jungle Elsie the Conqueror

Updated on June 23, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Xaverseltsam Build Guide By Xaverseltsam 6,471 Views 0 Comments
6,471 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Xaverseltsam Elise Build Guide By Xaverseltsam Updated on June 23, 2022
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Runes: Elsie the Conquror

Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


Tanky Conqueror Elise
LoL Summoner Spell: Challenging Smite

Challenging Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Elsie the Conqueror

By Xaverseltsam
Elise the Conqueror, is my style Of Elise. I am a Diamond elise enjoyer who just loves seing the malding enemy eyes when they realise that they get oneshotted by a 4k hp spider, which cant be stoped. You just go into a fight cocoon enemys while acting as a big meatshield, who the enemys have to focus, as you can provide cc and oneshot while still being a tank who is mobile. Sounds too good to be true ? Well see for yourself.
Durability update
Itemisation is core on this elise build. you have to identify your enemys win conditions. Normal Elise builds mainly focus on oneshotting the enemys, however if we look at the durability update and only see more dmg to towers and more hp for enemys we will only limit us tio our true potential. The increased base hp of the tank items give you the ability to ignore towers like before the patch, even better you have tenacity and more fighting potential now. Elise w and e actually make her a very strong dualist. With Demonic Embrase you also shred through any and all enemy types. Adc ? base dmg is enough to kill him Tank? Elise basically shredds through tanks Bruisers? cc and os.
You go Emberknife(red smite), not only to meme on amber heards but also to even further buff your dueling potential. It helps you in the many jgl duels you will have in your carrer as elise enjoyer. You mostly go hailblade(blue smite) if you are bad at hitting cocoons or just need that extra burst in your combo, however you won´t be needing the burst in the first place.

The key to this build are 2 items Frostfire Gauntlet and demonic embrace. Frostfire Gauntlet allows you to hit cocoons easier,waste time till reinforcements arrive and get 2.6k hp on 2nd item with os potential. Like with every good elise build you can always throw in a mejas bec you won´t die bec of your tankynes. Fully stacked meja + demonic embrace makes you not only immortal but also a oneshotting assasin. The main part is that you aren´t on a big clock whenever you play elise as you are pretty good in teamfights. The main strenght still lies in the early game tho.
If the enemys have ap and are mostly squishy you can go sorcerer boots and abyssal mask as 3rd item. Abyssal mask and sorcerers boots make you do nearly true dmg as enemys have approximatly 60 mr if you take the debuff of abyssal mask into account the enemys only have 35 mr and sorcerers boots has 18 magic pan so enemys only have
17 mr a laughable amount.
If the enemys are heavy crit or ad in general i recommend randuins as 3rd item. It provides you with 90 armor,250 hp and 10 cdr. With the active you can slow the enemys and reduce the ad by 10% and crit dmg by 20% for 20 seconds. so if you go inside the whole enemy team and just press randuins the enemys lose a ton of dmg.
If you want to chase the enemys or get some nice cocoons you could also go dead mans plate, however there wasn´t that much testing towards this subject.
If the enemys have much heal or you just need a good reliable dmg source you can go morellos. Morellos has after the buff 90 ap and and 300 hp, which gives you most stats that you need. It helps you if the enemys have lots of healing, or you just like oneshoting people in general. if the enemys have heavy cc you can also go mercury´s treads for the tenacity paired with tenacity runes, however in most cases the build above mentioned should be enough to deal with any type of cc.
Jungle Route
The highest priority with elise is to get fast into the game and snowball. Your jungleroute should be the first to target. For beginners you always want to start opposit to the lane you want to gank. With elise you almost always do a 3 or 4 camp clear. If you start redside you want to start red, walk to your blueside either do wolves(If you want to delay your gank to match a timing more suitable for your lane) or like in most cases directly go towards blue. you should always use your spiderform for moving between jungle camps as it gives you more movement speed. if you want to get to blue the fastest way you should take the blastcone right under your wolves to get over the wall. After Blue you should do Gromp into ganking. You should try to maximize your preassure early.

If you start blueside you want to do blue into gromp you can decide like the red clear to match a timing. the Wolves will just make your clear slower while giving you no advantages in ganks. So after gromp you will mostly straight up go red and gank.
Jungle tipps
1. Always use your spider form to walk from places.
2. Your human w lasts 3 seconds before it explodes for fastest early clear put down w at around 1:28 and transform into spider form do an autoattack into instant w to reset your autoattack
3. you don´t really need to watch your charachter when you fight first buff, look where the enemy jungler started.
4. Invades are a good source to get ahead. If you know where the enemy is just ambush them and surprise them in their jungle.
5. Practice clear in practice toool
6. Don´t die on elise early on. If you are fed you get a shutdown. If you give the shutdown to the enemys your previous work will just be destroyed and the enemys get ahead.
the objective of elise is pretty simple, win the game. See not that hard right ? just destroy the nexus.
Early game: In the early game you have to get ahead of the enemys. you can do that in a multiple of creative ways but the most common ways are to 1. Gank,Including spamganking strongside. 2. Counterjungling, If your enemy has no ressources he can´t get stronger 3. Invading(Killing enemy jungler) It is easy to duell most people with elise. If you hit your cocoon you can duell almost all junglers. 4. Diving, Diving is one of elises Core techniques, which i will talk about later.5. Objectives, Herald is op op op op op If you get an early herald you can get first tower. Harald pre 14 is essential to getting a gold lead as 1 charge almost alway gurantees 360 gold (2plates) if not way more. It gives you the ability to force dives when there are no minions. If you have a lucky day you can push towards inhib with 1 herald.

Mid game: This is where the fiesta beginns everyone groups up, you have a shutdown to lose and the enemys are thirsty for your spiderboot. If you are in the midgame try to get number advantages onto the enemys, hit some cocoons and distract the enemys. Try to go for objectives like dragon, 2nd herald or Baron. Don´t go on solo mission against 5 people. You might be able to 1v3 but 1v5 is pretty hard so just go for safe plays with team and secure your victory. Don´t greed for the shiny baits of 1 hp shacos, they are 100% a trap, a deadly trap.

Late game: What have you done... It´s late game and the game isn´t closed out... Well don´t worry its not too late to win. 1 Teamfight will decide the fate in such scenarios so don´t die and mess with your team. Try to get onto squishy targets and be a meatshields, adc muscles aren´t strong enoughb to squash big spiders. try to pick people who rotate( With your team) Elise is mostly a pick champ who can just get juicy adc bootys who thought pushing 3 waves into your turret was a good idea.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Xaverseltsam
Xaverseltsam Elise Guide
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Elsie the Conqueror

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