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Evelynn Build Guide by d3v0ut

Eve Resurrected

Eve Resurrected

Updated on March 30, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author d3v0ut Build Guide By d3v0ut 1,869 Views 0 Comments
1,869 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author d3v0ut Evelynn Build Guide By d3v0ut Updated on March 30, 2013
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The biggest issue with eve was her ability to dish it out facing multiple champions... On the up side, she can do any lane... sadly her nerf made everyone assume she was useless... Are there better champion options... yes but, if you have patience you will roll faces with evelynn as everyone expects her to fall behind.

With this set up you are guaranteed in any game two things... Several Kills at once granting you that ever hard Penta.. in which I almost had and the ability to help support your fellow teammates by being a great "Jungler," and soloing every monster even Baron.

The items synergies work extremely well together, you can dish out pretty well and demolish ANY opponent.

Your biggest adversaries are those that can armor (a.k.a Diana) themselves or silence you... however the spellvamp, health regen and max life should keep you alive. If you are an exceptional player you should know how to deal with multiple enemies, obviously you do not go for the tank first.

The biggest issue with this build it's expensive but what build isn't? What so great about it EVERY SINGLE ITEM up to the main items will help you. It's such a great build because various items lead to the main items so as you play you can judge which item you need at the moment.

Things to take into consideration:

Sunfire Cape's passive is not an aura or debuff, it deals AoE damage over time similar to Burnout, Burning Agony, and Despair. For this reason, the passive AoE damage can be stacked by building it on different champions.
Sunfire Cape deals magic damage, so it benefits from magic penetration and magic resist reduction. Because of this, Abyssal Scepter synergizes well with this item.
Sunfire Cape does not proc Liandry's Torment passive, but it will proc Morellonomicon passive.
Sunfire Cape can improve tanking ability, as it will pull enemy Turret aggro if it damages an enemy champion.
Sunfire Cape's 40 magic damage per second does not benefit from spell vamp.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author d3v0ut
d3v0ut Evelynn Guide
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