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Evelynn General Guide by AceTrainerJason

AP Carry Evelynn, MIA MID S3

AP Carry Evelynn, MIA MID S3

Updated on December 20, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AceTrainerJason Build Guide By AceTrainerJason 1,713 Views 0 Comments
1,713 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AceTrainerJason Evelynn Build Guide By AceTrainerJason Updated on December 20, 2012
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This Evelynn guide is a basic idea to win lane by roaming. I will go over some of the basics to the laning phase lvl 1-6 as well as how to get fed fast.
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When playing Evelynn, there aren't too many champions that can counter you if you are playing her right. You don't need to massively out farm your opponent like you do with other champions to get fed. From lvls 1-6 use your q to last hit minions. Angle the q towards your enemy while hitting minions to farm and poke at the same time. Never get to close and just play safe till you hit lvl 6. Once you get to six you should be sure that you have your Boots of Mobility in order to start roaming lanes. Use your Q to farm your lane fast, sit back till you go invisible, then use your W to bolt out of there and get to whichever lane is pushed the most. Make sure your invisible again before you go near any commonly warded areas. Camp near their lane, wait for the right moment when the enemies are close together, use your W to bolt into the lane and ult them. Once ulted, throw your E on one of them and continue to E until their dead.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AceTrainerJason
AceTrainerJason Evelynn Guide
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Evelynn, MIA MID S3

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide