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Runes: Standard vs champs u can melee
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
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Junkyard Titan (PASSIVE)
Rumble Passive Ability
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Champion Build Guide
I've been playing a lot more rumble jungle recently because its the superior position for rumble, but due to recent nerfs rumble mid/top would be a lot more viable.
Rumble is in a pretty good spot nowadays and this guide which was originally a meme has actually become pretty legit. Cheers for reading thru.
Rumble is in a pretty good spot nowadays and this guide which was originally a meme has actually become pretty legit. Cheers for reading thru.
I like memes and I was challenger in season 6 and season 8, peaking at top 50 chall. I finished top 10 masters s7 because uni exams rip, have now gotten my challenger jacket and challenger backpack but haven't grinded league as hard recently. I've just been chilling in recent seasons, hitting diamond after a few games and then leaving it at that because soloqueue is pretty toxic. As of today I'm chilling in d1 but will probably let it decay down to low diamond again.
opgg: https://oce.op.gg/summoner/userName=ttv+jsxvans
Also. my mates are high elo in league/TFT, so if you ever need coaching look up Coach Ceres (League coaching) or Never Ever Lucky (TFT coaching) on gamersensei.
Say that u were referred from my guide on mobafire and you'll get an even better sesh
opgg: https://oce.op.gg/summoner/userName=ttv+jsxvans
Also. my mates are high elo in league/TFT, so if you ever need coaching look up Coach Ceres (League coaching) or Never Ever Lucky (TFT coaching) on gamersensei.
Say that u were referred from my guide on mobafire and you'll get an even better sesh
All the other rumble guides are low elo
you trying to say that diamond is high elo but its actually trash
Also: https://www.gamersensei.com/r/76818e
Step 1: Slapping that meat
Beat your meat by giving them a special treat, I heard it's really neat: Electro harpoon into their bum, it'll make them real numb. Part two, electric boogaloo.
This spell does some serious damage mid game and later on with liandries + sorc boots, is sum good ****
Step 2: Seasoning
Lightly sprinkle the salt like how you sprinkle yo flamespitter all over the ****ing enemies *** yeah
Make sure u have 50% heat to make sure you take advantage of the insane base damage on your Q in order to make your enemies salty
Step 3: Chop that **** up
Use ur ulti to flame on those **********ers: Hold the button and drag it along where you want it to go. Cut off ideal paths, because if they run through your ult for over 1.5seconds, they're literally overcooked. And overcooked food goes in the trash.
Beat your meat by giving them a special treat, I heard it's really neat: Electro harpoon into their bum, it'll make them real numb. Part two, electric boogaloo.
This spell does some serious damage mid game and later on with liandries + sorc boots, is sum good ****
Step 2: Seasoning
Lightly sprinkle the salt like how you sprinkle yo flamespitter all over the ****ing enemies *** yeah
Make sure u have 50% heat to make sure you take advantage of the insane base damage on your Q in order to make your enemies salty
Step 3: Chop that **** up
Use ur ulti to flame on those **********ers: Hold the button and drag it along where you want it to go. Cut off ideal paths, because if they run through your ult for over 1.5seconds, they're literally overcooked. And overcooked food goes in the trash.
Cash me on the rift, how bout that
*** yeah get some cash money look to get early sorc boots because magic penetration is busted on this broken fellow due to his INSANE base damages.
You wanna look to get seeker's armguard against ad champs and merc treads vs ap if you're in a bad matchup but rumble shoves in any and every matchup because flamespitter is broken.
You can't be bad at Rumble if you're already terrible in the first place
Deleted this section because it relates to the old outdated rune system, nowadays you just want to go adaptive force x2 and armor/mr depending on matchup
Mama mia itsa rumble mid
Top notch meme quality I give it a perfect 5/7
Advanced tips and in-depth game analysis
Drag out your ulti like the chinese man got dragged out of the plane fk yeah
Make sure to not overheat unless you are considering all-inning unless you also wanna overbook your flights for a juicy PR disaster
china number one I am gu er army my riven is god
Now that you've reached this point, just copy my builds and read my notes
Legit just read the notes for adaptations and ur gonna climb so fkn easy this champ is so op rn
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