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Ezreal Build Guide by Chaos199416

AD Carry Ezreal the skilled Carry

AD Carry Ezreal the skilled Carry

Updated on January 29, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Chaos199416 Build Guide By Chaos199416 1,826 Views 0 Comments
1,826 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Chaos199416 Ezreal Build Guide By Chaos199416 Updated on January 29, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Hello everyone My name is Chaos199416 and i hope that with my guide you will also see why Ezreal is truly the most op adc. This is also my first guide.
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Pros / Cons

Pros: Ezreal can kite/juke for days.
Awesome global ultimate ability
Hard to kill if you use his abilities to their fullest potential
Legendary pulfireskin and icon ^.^

Cons: Squishy early game
Relies on a great team communication/composition
If you do not do well you make ezreal mains cry =(
Everyone wants to kill you almost as much as Teemo
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I use lifesteal quints AD marks armor seals and mr glyphs on ezreal if you do not like the lifesteal quints use attack speed quints. Never use AD quints on ezreal because he doesn't rely on his autoattacks to deal his damage.
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as for masteries i go 21/9/0 for ezreal
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As for your summoners spells Heal+Flash is the most standard Cleanse is a decent spell if they have tons of cc LEONA! never take ignite ever it is not worth it Barrier got nerfed so it is no good anymore but take it if your support took heal because if your supp took heal and you did it is not useful because double heal is not the way to go
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Skill Sequence

Ezreals q is always a max right away ASAP it does so much for him in lane. Now the next choice can go either way max w to increse your attack speed while decreasing theirs and dealing damage or max your E and be allowed to escape/survive more often. and take a point in R whenever possible
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Early game until level 3 you will want to do nothing but last hit the cs in your lane and dodge enemy skillshots/attacks Midgame: farm like crazy but if a kill presents itself go for it. Late Game: By now you should be roaming as 5 with your team no exceptions however if the enemy team is winning teamfights take your support and splitpush lanes because towers/drags/inhibs= global money for your team and that is a lot more important then just 300 gold + 500 gold shutdown bonus
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Team Work

Early game work with your support and this does not mean blame the supp for not warding.Warding is everyones job not just the supports so whenever you can be sure to help out Mid game if you have pushed down the enemys turret 1st turret that leaves you with two options. Keep pushing deeper into bot lane to go for the 2nd turret and risk a gank from their jgler(not worth it imo never risk it).The other otption is to go help other lanes if they are not doing well for example XerathvsFizz and xerath is losing.Late game:always assume that there is a gank coming or a few people about to come out of nowhere if you start to chase someone CHASING unless you have your team is NOT WORTH IT sure lets say you manage to secure a kill but you have not died yet if they have a decent hypercarry such as evelynn... you just gave her a free 900 gold that she can then use against your entire team.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Chaos199416
Chaos199416 Ezreal Guide
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Ezreal the skilled Carry

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