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Kled Build Guide by Pocketsnposies

Other Fairly Easy Kled Jungle

Other Fairly Easy Kled Jungle

Updated on August 13, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Pocketsnposies Build Guide By Pocketsnposies 30,577 Views 1 Comments
30,577 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Pocketsnposies Kled Build Guide By Pocketsnposies Updated on August 13, 2016
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Kled
    Tanky Jungle Redneck xD
  • LoL Champion: Kled
    Non tanky.


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


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Helllo world, I am Ivygamer, a bronze Noob who hs been wanting to create a guide for days. I take pieces of information from other guides, websites and videos and bring them into my guide. I have been anticipating this new champ for days on end, and am finally glad to share my build with you all. Please be careul out there summoners <3
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Abilities (basic)

Kled can't gain health, instead Skaarl has 400 - 1505 (based on level)(+100% bonus health) max hp.
While mounted, Skaarl takes all damage. You have 2 health bars, when you lose the first one, Skaarl runs away.
Kled gains 125 bonus attack range (thresh like range).
Gains 105 - 190 bonus movement speed while running towards enemy champions but loses 285 base movement speed
Basic attacks deal 20% less
He gains courage by killing enemy units, attacking structures, champions and epic monsters and Mounts at 100 Courage (look at notes above for exact amounts)

Mounted Q: Beartrap on a Rope COOLDOWN 9 / 8.5 / 8 / 7.5 / 7
Throws out a Skillshot that attaches onto the first champion or large monster (INITIAL DAMAGE: 25/50/75/100/125 (+60% bonus AD)
After 1.5 seconds, Kled and the enemy are pulled together dealing damage to the enemy [50/100/150/200/250(+120% bonus AD)] slowing the enemy (40/45/50/55/60%)

Pocket Pistol
Kled fires a cone of 5 pellets dealing Physical damage to all enemies that is hits
PHYSICAL DAMAGE: 30/45/60/75/90(+80% BONUS AD)
Enemies take 20% bonus damage instead of 80% beyond the first enemy hit
Kled dashes back 250 units
Restores 5 Courage for each enemy champion hit
Sorta like Graves ult but the cone is instant

W: Voilent Tendencies
COOLDOWN: 14/12.5/11/9.5/8
PASSIVE: Kled gets 150% bonus attack attack speed on his next 4 attacks for 4 seconds
Does more damage on the final attack
BONUS PHYSICAL DAMAGE: 20/30/40/50/60(+4/5/6/7/8%(+5% per 100 bonus AD) of target's max health

E: Jousting
COOLDOWN: 14/13/12/11/10
MOUNTED - ACTIVE: Kled dashed a small distance with Skaarl in a target direction, dealing Physical damage to enemies it hits
Gains 50% bonus movement speed for 1 second (PHYSICAL DAMAGE:20/45/70/95/120(+60% bonus AD)
Marks whoever they hit, allowing Jousting to be used again on the marked target

R: Chaaaaaaaarge!!!
RANGE: 5000/?
COOLDOWN: 160/140/120
MOUNTED - ACTIVE: Kled 'Chaaaaaaaarges' towards a target locaation, navigating it's way automatically
Kled gains movement speed and a shield, increasing over the duration
(MAXIMUM SHIELD: 200/300/400(+300% bonus AD)
Shield lasts for 2 seconds after finishing
Grants movement speed to allies
Knocks up first enemy encountered (PHYSICAL DAMAGE: 12/15/18%(+12% per 100 AD) of target's maximum health
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Very fun kit.
Ganking is easy with ult.
Easy champ to learn and skill cap is high.
Can have various build paths.
Funny voice.
Rides a pet.
Can provide unexpected 1v1 turnouts

Pretty much dead without Skaarl.
Cusses quite frequently so family may hear.
Can be bursted or cc locked.
Destroyed by percentage health damage.
Gets flamed for being Kled!
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Jungle Clearing.

Start bot side for a faster clear, or just stick with red buff.

Due to your passive, Kled needs to back frequently until 6, you can usually counter this by changing your masteries to what suits your playstyle. Always try and grab pots when backing before 6.
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Kled does suffer at early levels from what is called. Bad jungler syndrome. Okay I know this sounds bad, but he may need to back very frequently. Beware summoners.
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Understand this guide will be updated on a 3-5 day basis. Thank you all sum

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