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Recommended Items
Runes: Permaculture
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Ability Order Tools
Divine Ascent (PASSIVE)
Kayle Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Dr. Mundo
An extreme threat, especially Corporate Mundo. In the case that you see a Corporate Mundo, he'll scam you out of all of your crops and your farm ol' really be set back some. Make sure you don't sign any contracts.
Ideal crop cultivation. Like a walking fertilizer.
Ideal crop cultivation. Like a walking fertilizer.
Champion Build Guide
2. Learn the Ins and Outs of Your Lane.
3. Figure Out Your Gold.
4. Purchase Your Item.
5. Strategize and Prepare.
6. Implement Your Farming Business Plan.
7. Develop Your Lane.
8. Market Your Lane.
You can build just about any item you’d like on your small farm as long as the circumstances are right.
What you plan to build will weigh heavily on your preferences and enemy laner. It is also important to point out that there are a lot of ethical questions that arise when you decide to build a certain item.
Agriculture, in general, relies greatly on the lane and other laners. If sustainability is important to you as a farmer, you’ll likely want to start leaning towards building items in a fashion that promotes biodiversity.
Ultimately, you will want to consider what sort of items will provide the return on investment that you are hoping for with your small farm.
A quick Google search of “how to farm as Kayle” will bring up tons of guides that will actually teach you how to first play the character, and then help you plan a career in quitting league and starting up a real farm.
If the formal education route isn’t interesting to you, you can first work alongside a seasoned player as an apprentice or support to learn about farming.
Your local discord and other similar organizations should have resources available on how to start a small farm, as well. Choose the agricultural education option that makes the most sense for your preferences and lifestyle.
You’ll need a lane, towers, minions, items, and more. There is also the option for farmers to buy a control ward, but that still requires quite a bit of gold to get started.
Starting a small farm is said to cost up to about 10,000 gold. However, buying a health potion can cost you up to millions.
There are a few ways to fund a small farm. The simplest way would be farming minions in your lane. If you don’t have a couple million gold lying around, there are other options to make your dream a reality. You could destroy wards or steal camps from your jungler. You could also tap into grants for farmers offered by local and national future markets.
Purchasing items for a farm is something that must be well thought out. If you will be fighting tanky characters, you need to make sure the item is appropriate for the type of laners you’ll be dealing with.
However, finding items to combat assassins opens a whole other can of worms. Assassins can be very finicky. The conditions have to be just right for a successful lane. Here are a few things to consider:
What type of item is best against my laner?
How good is my laner? Are they playing aggressively or passively?
How many ganks will my lane get? Do I have a good jungler?
If my jungler doesn't gank, is it possible to win lane?
How can I maintain good distancing?
Is the lane safe for rift herald and junglers (if applicable)?
There is another layer to winning lane that many farmers are starting to take into consideration: is the lane classified as winnable?
You’ll want to check local mobafire guide for the specifics of laning. But this is definitely something to keep in mind if you plan to take the aggressive route.
If you are laning against tanks, you have to ensure the sustainability of your item. You may spend a few minutes fertilizing your gold naturally with killing minions. Choosing how to play your lane early will go back to your thoughts on sustainability.
During your agricultural education for your laning phase, you will learn about lane freezing. If you are freezing lane that has been farmed for a while, you will need to determine whether to engage or not. You will likely plan and strategize a few years out based on minion rotation patterns.
Objective bounties is something to take into consideration when you’re starting, as well.
If you are losing lane, you must build the appropriate items. Whether you’re losing to tanks, assassins, enchanters, divers or other laners will determine what sort of item you will need to build.
Other details to consider are whether or not you’ll have additional minions on the farm. For example, many farmers choose to have super minions on the farm since they better clear minions on your farm.
In this step, you can also take a look at everything from a business perspective.
Let’s say you decided to build Attack Speed. You could choose to rush Blade of the Ruined King. You could also build Berserker's Greaves, Nashor's Tooth, Kraken Slayer, or any other Attack Speed item.
Decide on the direction you want to take and develop your lane accordingly. Determine how you will plan your build, how your build will apply to your current lane, and how much gold you will need for your build.
At this stage, you will want to ward your lane, as well. This goes beyond an aesthetically pleasing trinket for your lane. Get started by establishing vision in areas and what sort of value you can plan to receive from placing said ward.
Here are a few things to consider when identifying the target audience for your lane:
Will your build be of worth in a team fight?
Will you be playing for your team or to splitpush?
Can your team benefit from your lane?
As we mentioned before, your lane could offer an advantage, so this would be beneficial to succeed in.
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