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He's a brute, speed is your friend in trying to stay away and keep alinve
Fairly easy to keep at bay if you build your movement speed up fast. Once you see Garen proc his Q, be ready to run away. If you build right, you can keep away from him without using your W, but it is there to help.
He can be a threat, but your speed helps you live. Keep moving and avoid his tornadoes. Do not blind him unless you know his air wall is in CD or you can maneuver around it or get back far enough to force him to come to you.
Added speed can help you avoid this champs annoying E and Q.
Only once against her in top lane - hold back near your turret, keep moving to avoid her E and hope your jungle is good enough to gank her left and right.
Early levels (pre 6) you should be able to hold your own pretty well, poke and move. You want to shift more towards a MP build on your items so you can do more harm.
Should be pretty easy to keep Nasus at bay.
He can clear minions faster than you can and push hard. His Q makes it hard to get near him and run away. Focus a more MP build against him.
Usually pretty easy to go up against. Blind will help keep you safe and your extra speed will make it harder for him to dive you
Once he gets a bit of AP his abilities can clear out minions fast. Avoid his Q and focus minions as much as possible. You'll be at the mercy of your jungler's ability to gank, hopefully they can help.
Once he can vanish and sneak in on you, you best be ready to move fast. Jungler will need a decent presence to help you control lane.
If you can get your speed up you should be able to avoid his grab pretty easy. Don't venture too close, stick and move.
Fast speed helps you avoid her bouncing in on you. Time your blinds and keep moving.
Another PITA for Teemo, do your best to avoid his E. He can clear minions fast, here's hoping your jungler can help you control the lane. You need to focus MP to help damage this brute.
Not as difficult as some, but he can clear out minions fast once he hits level 4/5. Make good use of your blind to annoy him with damage and keep moving to avoid his snare and DOT. I usually focus more towards building a Wit's End first (after basic boots) to help defend against this attacks, while also boosting my AS and providing bonus AP to my auto attacks.
Can be manageable if you time your blinds properly and keep your speed up.
Pay attention to the other Teemo's build, if he's pushing any kind of AP early shift your first full build item to a Wit's End to counter his AP. After that, you just need to outplay him, generally if you have higher MS you have a better chance to survive or chase him.
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