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Fiddlesticks Build Guide by reeseOfrr

Jungle Fear the Scarecrow - 10.7 Fiddle Rework Guide

Jungle Fear the Scarecrow - 10.7 Fiddle Rework Guide

Updated on April 2, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author reeseOfrr Build Guide By reeseOfrr 13,342 Views 0 Comments
13,342 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author reeseOfrr Fiddlesticks Build Guide By reeseOfrr Updated on April 2, 2020
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Recommended Items

Runes: Dark Harvest

1 2
Dark Harvest
Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Nimbus Cloak

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
Ideal Spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Champion Build Guide

Fear the Scarecrow - 10.7 Fiddle Rework Guide

By reeseOfrr
At the time of publishing this guide, I do not have the time to work and finalize this information section. As I gain more knowledge and information on what best to do with Fiddlesticks, and when I have the time to finish this all, I will. Stay updated!

Until completion, please use the notes I have written for additional information!
Abilities and Optimal Uses

Q - Terrify

Fiddle's Q has a passive and active, making it useful in multiple situations. I'll talk about both here:

Terrify: Passive
Terrify's Passive allows fiddle to dread all enemies when attacking after not being seen and out of combat for a set duration of time, and his next attacking ability fears the enemy for a max of 2 seconds when the ability is maxed out. The key thing here is that he can dread/fear multiple enemies, meaning that in large scale team fights, you can appear out of nowhere with an ult or W and fear the entire team, allowing your team to come in and dish out INSANE damage, tipping the scales of the game. If your communication is good and you land your abilities, you can win your team a fight instantly.

His Q is also amazing for clearing multiple-enemy camps such as Reports, as his fear will allow him to clear it much faster without taking much damage.

Terrify: Active

Fiddlesticks "Shrieks" at an enemy dealing up to 10% + 2% per 100 AP of the targets HP in MD as well as fearing them. Enemies are only able to be feared every few seconds, and instead does damage to an enemy if that said enemy has been recently feared. The min-damage and active damage thresholds are doubled if recently feared and enemies that are struck with fear are slowed by 90%. This is really good for dealing additional damage and finishing off enemies that are low after a W E and even an R.

W - Bountiful Harvest

Fiddle's W is probably my favorite part of their kit. Fiddlesticks binds himself to ALLLLL nearby enemies, standing still and dealing progressive damage to the target(s), siphoning their souls. Dealing up to 42.5 + 8.25% of AP in MD when maxed every .25 seconds and a final up to 42.5 + 8.25% of AP + 16% of the targets missing HP as a sort of executing damage. Fiddle then heals himself up to 50% of the pre-mitigation DMG dealt, reduced to 15% against minions. If targets break their binds by moving out of his W's range, the ability ends instantly. Fiddle's W is so good, as it's camp clear is insane against multiple-enemy camps, but is also good, as stated previously, in large scale team fights, as is able to W onto all nearby enemies and do damage while healing as his team is also dealing damage. Using this after using your R is super good as your damage from the R will combine with your W's damage and deal huge amounts of overall damage.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author reeseOfrr
reeseOfrr Fiddlesticks Guide
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Fear the Scarecrow - 10.7 Fiddle Rework Guide

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