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Lissandra Build Guide by Lissawndra

AP Carry Feel the power of true ice! Lissandra 6.3 Top/Mid VERY WIP

AP Carry Feel the power of true ice! Lissandra 6.3 Top/Mid VERY WIP

Updated on February 17, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lissawndra Build Guide By Lissawndra 63,576 Views 3 Comments
63,576 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Lissawndra Lissandra Build Guide By Lissawndra Updated on February 17, 2016
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Hey, my name is Lissawndra. This a very WIP Guide I am making because most of the other guides on here are extremely dated. This guide is based primarily off of what high ELO/pro players build. I will try my best to keep it up to date and make sure to comment feedback. Thanks for reading!
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Pros / Cons

* Great team fight sustained damage and CC utility
* Lots of invulnerability and escape options with Frozen Tomb, Glacial Path, and Zhonya's Hourglass
* Flexible build path
* High mobility with Glacial Path
* Good for initiating fights

* High mana costs unless managed properly
* High cooldowns
* Squishy
* Item dependent
* Short ranged
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Hover over abilities for detailed descriptions on what they do.

This passive is nice for some free harass and wave control early, although it doesn't do very much late game if you know how to manage your mana properly.

Your primary source of sustained damage, it can hit multiple targets with a low cooldown and still provide a lot of damage and CC. This spell is also useful for shoving waves and securing farm. Max this first.

This is a large aoe root that also provides some burst damage. I max this second most of the time as it increases the root time and increases the damage dealt.

This ability is a great gap closer/escape. Some pro players max it second in certain situations, but generally I would max it last.

Frozen Tomb is the ability the really makes Lissandra unique. It can be used as an initiation tool by CCing a carry and putting a ton of damage on them or it can be used defensively to negate damage dealt to you. Try to use it so it hits multiple targets as it does a ton of AOE damage as well as freezing it's target. Put a point into this whenever available.
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Summoner Spell Choices

Flash is the go to summoner spell for many champions, this is no different for Lissandra.

Teleport is a great spell for keeping global pressure and for making sure you don't fall far behind. I would recommend taking this over ignite in most cases.

This summoner spell is good but only in certain situations. If you want to win lane hard against a favorable matchup, go ahead and take this.

The choice between ignite and teleport is highly preference based.
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These masteries are pretty standard for AP Carries.

Assassin vs Secret Stash is preference/matchup based.

Precision vs Intelligence is preference/matchup based.

In some circumstances, you may want to put 12 points into Resolve instead of Cunning. An example from one of Alex Ich's Lissandra games is included below.
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These are general Runes, but you should always adapt your runes based on your matchup.

Greater Mark of Magic Penetration We take these runes to shred through some of our opponents MR and increase our overall damage.

Greater Glyph of Magic Resist MR glyphs are useful for general survival, and since we are a short ranged AP carry we can use the defensive stats effectively.

Greater Seal of Armor We take these for the same reason we can MR glyphs.

Greater Quintessence of Ability Power These increase our overall damage all game long.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lissawndra
Lissawndra Lissandra Guide
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Feel the power of true ice! Lissandra 6.3 Top/Mid VERY WIP

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