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Fiddlesticks Build Guide by Syntactinho

Middle Fiddlesticks - "Stick" around!

Middle Fiddlesticks - "Stick" around!

Updated on August 21, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Syntactinho Build Guide By Syntactinho 2,976 Views 0 Comments
2,976 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Syntactinho Fiddlesticks Build Guide By Syntactinho Updated on August 21, 2018
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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- Greetings MOBAfire! I'm Syntact - or Syn, a casual gamer who's playing League Of Legends.
- In-game I normally 'fill' - spamming just the champion that we're gonna talk about.

- Playing Fiddlesticks, all you have to do is hit your opponents and annoy them.

- Hope this guide will help you become a better Fiddlesticks player.

- Syntact
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Pros and Cons

- Pros
- Hard CC for both follow up and shutting down enemy abilities.
- Extremely high damage potential.
- Easily dive back line.
- Take advantage that the enemy team (if you are first to lock in) will think that you're jungling so let your jungler take a counter against their team and their own jungler!

- Cons

- No high burst or heavy sustain damage in laning phase before first 3 items.
- Teamfights and roaming opportunities depends on your cooldown reduction's ult.
- Cround Control will cancel your ult channel.
- Can be countered late game if the enemy team gets vision/decides to fight when they don't see you around.
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About the build

- I know you will try to go for a Banshee's Veil against AP enemies, but if you want to take down the most tankiest champions, then use the recommended build!
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- Your role in the game is to help your team even when your ultimate is on cooldown!
- Your objective is to stay with them and help them kill champions using Terrify, even Reap and Bountiful Harvest to damage your opponents.
- When a fight is not available just farm as much as you can.
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Do you want to play Fiddlesticks as a support?

- There's no problem playing Fiddlesticks as a support. Instead of taking Doran's Ring and 2 Health Potion , just go for Spellthief's Edge, follow the same rules and you're good to go!
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- In conclusion, playing Fiddlesticks in the middle lane is the most fun and annoying way to win. I know, playing " Fiddlesticks in this meta is not even worth" but is actually super good!

- That's it for this guide. I hope it helped you as much as I tried to make it.

- Good luck in the Field of Justice, summoner!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Syntactinho
Syntactinho Fiddlesticks Guide
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Fiddlesticks - "Stick" around!

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