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Fizz Build Guide by ThyZee

AD Offtank Fizz, can't catch him

AD Offtank Fizz, can't catch him

Updated on July 10, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ThyZee Build Guide By ThyZee 6,877 Views 0 Comments
6,877 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ThyZee Fizz Build Guide By ThyZee Updated on July 10, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Hello there. So I am ThyZ, I am 18 and I am french (omg, noob french!).

I play lol since season 2. I am a top/jungle player, and I am gold.

This his my first guide, I hope you will enjoy it. Give me your appreciation, it will make me better.

I will try to make it better when i will have time, and when i will have try anough match-up to give you more information.
Enjoy :)
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Presentation of my bruiser Fizz

  • Why Fizz bruiser ?

You have an ultimate which gives you 20% bonus damage for you on your opponent. With this, you can easely 1vs1 every one.
  • Why no flash ?

Because you have a good escape with your E, and you Q if a minion or a monster, and you can pass over wall with your E. So, better (in my opinion) to play with ignite to try to get early kills, and snowball on its.
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Fleet Footwork
Dark Harvest
Phase Rush

In red, i take attack speed, to have more auto-attack in a trade, and deal more damage (with the W)

In yellow, armor, nothing to say here.

In blue, 6 cdr flat, to get the 10% cdr lvl 1 with masteries, and 3 mr scaling.

In quints, ad flat, to farm easier, and to have some ad in early trade.
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Fizz is a melee, so the gain of 2% damage for addidtional 1% damage taken is worth if you trade the enemy, without let him time to attack you

5% attack-speed which synergizes well with your Seastone Trident and the 5% of cdr allows to have the 10% cdr lvl 1

Attack damage bonus, allways good to take its !

Damage bonus in % ! And, the Executioner has a good synergy with the Seastone Trident, cause both, when the ennemy is low, deal more damage !
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Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

So, with our buiser Fizz, the damage spell is of course the Seastone Trident. Don't fight if you don't have it.

Your Playful / Trickster is your escape/chase. Don't use it to try to deal damage to monster or gank if you don't have an idee where is the enemy jungle. You don't have flash, it's your only escape.

The Urchin Strike is your engage ! It's apply on hit-effect, so the Trinity Force, but your Seastone Trident too ! If you wan't gank, don't forget to use you Seastone Trident before your Urchin Strike !
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Basic starter to every jungle :

Which jungle item

Here, you have the choice, but it depends of your team comp and the enemy comp:

To deal damage

You don't really need damage item to deal damage with Fizz. You can do Trinity Force or/and Blade of the Ruined King.
Why Trinity Force ? Because it gives you movement speed, hp, ad, attack-speed, and the passive Spellblade
Why Blade of the Ruined King ? Because it gives you attack-speed, damage, life-steal, and damage in hp % !!

In my opinion, i prefer buy Trinity Force first, cause the passive Spellblade gives you so much burst. I usually do Trinity Force in 2nd item, and Blade of the Ruined King in 3rd item if you play with Skirmisher's Sabre - Devourer. Otherwise, if you bought Skirmisher's Sabre - Cinderhulk you don't need Blade of the Ruined King to deal damage.

To tank

Your core tankyness items are Frozen Heart and Spirit Visage. They give you your 40% cdr with your runes and masteries.
After that, all depend the enemy composition, and who is fed.

Boots ?

You can take some differents boots.
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Pros / Cons


  • Good damage
  • E complety cheat
  • 20% damage increase with your ult
  • Cause yordles disappear if they die from your ult


  • Quite weak in early if you get invade
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ThyZee
ThyZee Fizz Guide
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Fizz, can't catch him

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