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Fizz Build Guide by LegendofTimmah

Other Fizz is swimming in a new ocean now

Other Fizz is swimming in a new ocean now

Updated on January 2, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LegendofTimmah Build Guide By LegendofTimmah 1,412 Views 0 Comments
1,412 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LegendofTimmah Fizz Build Guide By LegendofTimmah Updated on January 2, 2013
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Now, I know what you're probably thinking, "Fizz top?!" but trust me, this is a very legit strategy against almost any champion that you will encounter in the top lane and I will explain why in this guide.
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With this setup and a cloth armor start I believe you walk into lane with roughly 80 armor which is ridiculous mitigation against any top lane bruiser. Change every thing to MR except reds against AP tops. This arrangement also allows you to freely build the other resistance if needed.
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For masteries I take the armor and health as well as reduced dmg from minions and champions, because with Fizz's passive it will be really easy to win trades while taking reduced dmg from the wave of minions you might be fighting in. This is for AD tops, against AP tops simple change the armor and MR mastery accordingly
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Skill Sequence

With this build W is prioritized and Q for easy attacks on the opponent with sheen procs
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Farming on Fizz with this setup should be relatively easy, even under turret, using Q right after and auto can land easy last hits and the W should make last hitting in general relatively easy as it is. If you're being pressured, don't be afraid to hit back and use your E to get out of a losing fight, in general your trades should be stronger because of the DOT of your early maxed out W
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For build 1

An alternative that works really well instead of Triforce is Iceborn Gauntlet or as I like to refer to it, the "Cryofister" If needed for defense against AP pick up a hexdrinker

And for build 2

If more armor is needed against team comp get ninja tabi if there is a lack of CC and an Iceborn gauntlet instead of a Tri force, another alternative start is flask and potions, out sustain the opponent and free farm
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LegendofTimmah
LegendofTimmah Fizz Guide
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Fizz is swimming in a new ocean now

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