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Fizz Build Guide by TumptheDump

AP Carry Fizz: Tricking the Tricksters!

AP Carry Fizz: Tricking the Tricksters!

Updated on October 17, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TumptheDump Build Guide By TumptheDump 1,933 Views 0 Comments
1,933 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TumptheDump Fizz Build Guide By TumptheDump Updated on October 17, 2013
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Fizz: Tricking the Tricksters - Chapter 1

Hello! This is my first build guide for my favorite champion: Fizz, the tidal trickster!
I've been playing fizz for a fairly long time, and I've picked up loads of little tips and tricks, and I think it's time to share them with you!

First off, Summoner Spells for fizz.
I use:
Barrier and Flash
Barrier - Fizz is a squishy champ, barrier is great for nabbing kills early game under turrets.
Flash - Cmon. Who doesn't use this? (Besides champs with built in flashes, like shaco. I know, fizz's jump can be considered a great escape, but if you fail on that jump, you're screwed.)
Another set of spells could be:
Ignite and Flash
Ignite - I don't use this as often, and that's because Fizz's W, Seastone Trident, has a built in grievous wounds.
And of course, flash is self-explanitory.

Next Chapter! Early laning phase!
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Early Laning Phase - How to outfarm your opponent!

Fizz is a melee champ. That could make it hard for him to farm against champions with quite a bit of range, like Orianna or Ahri. But there is a way to make it so you can dominate the minions in your lane. If you can use your E to jump on your opponent, then quickly w then q, you can do a massive amount of damage to your enemy, forcing them to go back to their turret, or stay for a fight that you will probably win, if you've been building correctly.

Next up! Mid game - Do you have your lich bane!?
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Mid game - Do you have your lich bane!?


This is the item that defines Fizz. You need this item, or you'll have a rough time.

That's all this chapter is about. Lich bane. LICH. BANE.

Here's a cool little tip for using lich bane effectively!

Fizz's Q applies on hit effects (I.E - red buff, seastone trident's grievous wounds, etc)
This also applies to the attack buff with lich bane.
Use your e to jump on your opponent, then start up your w. Finally, q your opponent for some massive damage!

Coming soon - How to melt those tanky champs!
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