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Vi Build Guide by VioMosh

Other Franky guide to armor penetration

Other Franky guide to armor penetration

Updated on July 22, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author VioMosh Build Guide By VioMosh 3,678 Views 0 Comments
3,678 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author VioMosh Vi Build Guide By VioMosh Updated on July 22, 2013
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  • LoL Champion: Vi
  • LoL Champion: Vi
    Tanky Franky



This is VioMosh giving you the first guide to violent fun with Vi. I made this guide to see is it effective in the game from YOUR perspective and that do you think its fun to use or so on and so on. I hope many people find this guide entertaining to try out and please contact me if it has MAJOR flaws. now
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The setup

This guide is all about trying to be strong and effective at pummeling the enemy teams weak links (and possibly finishing off tanks), so remember to keep that in mind at the fields of justice. This build is supposed to make your Vi an unstoppable force of pure jaw breaking basic attacks and unbelievable sustain of her passive (Franky) OR Pure unbreakable tankyness (Tanky Franky).
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The role

You are the team jungler (obvious).
In this guide the jungle route is pretty much a simple: Blue, Wolves, Wraiths, Red and then lane (after lvl 3 you can take on the tough golems near Red). Remember that you focus on this guide just dropping in and dropping out on lanes to secure kills and (or) assisting them. The best way to execute your ganks is trying to give a kill to the actual laner. This means he will be staying or even dominating in the lane for a large amount of time and saves you from alot of work. Remember to use extra money on wards because people need vision outside their lanes to keep a look out on gankers from all three lanes, including the possible enemy jungler. Lastly i myself dont like counterjungling because im a *respectful* jungler and i like to keep it fair on both sides in the match, But if you are a good counterjungler then by all means go for it. Remember to be careful at all times because in early game this guide is on the squishy side.
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In conclusion...

So this was my first guide. It was short and not so professional but it was something i would like to share with you fellow summoners. If you liked it and want me to make more stuff with Vi or even use Youtube videos then im more than happy to have it happen. Dont hesitate to throw a comment at me so i can learn more about how to make more advanced guides.

Thank you in advance.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author VioMosh
VioMosh Vi Guide
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Franky guide to armor penetration

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