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Kled Build Guide by Firetrucks



Updated on October 6, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Firetrucks Build Guide By Firetrucks 56,961 Views 8 Comments
56,961 Views 8 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Firetrucks Kled Build Guide By Firetrucks Updated on October 6, 2016
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Hey boys, Firetrucks here i've been maining Kled since season 2 & it's always been my passion to make a guide on him, so finally, here it is! I'm bronze 2 (got boosted there), but don't let that fool you, I have the game sense of an LCS player.
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Pros / Cons

What's not to love about Kled, he has a small kind of Graves ult for kiting!
He has a less controlled Renekton E.
He has a hook.
He has max health damage.
He's tanky even after building full damage
He destroys towers
He has a gap closer when Skaarl is up
He can kite with Q.
When Skaarl runs away, Kled becomes untargetable
And he destroys towers so he can be a big split pushing threat.
Oh, and CHAAAAAAARGE!! Kled's ultimate where you get to run across the map at unhealthy speeds.

He talks too much
No R or E when Skaarl is hiding
No gap closer when Skaarl is hiding
Squishy without Skaarl
Only escapes is his Q (Which isn't very reliable) & your E (Which is more of a gap closer than escape unless used correctly)
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MOUNTED – INNATE: Kled's health cannot be improved except through growth, instead Skaarl has 400 - 1505 (based on level) (+ 100% bonus health) maximum health and, while together, all damage dealt to the duo is suffered by Skaarl. Upon being reduced to 0 maximum health, Skaarl flees the battle. While being dismounted, Kled is briefly untargetable and any damage in excess of Skaarl's current health is ignored.
DISMOUNTED – INNATE: Kled gains 125 bonus attack range and 105 - 190 (based on level) bonus movement speed while moving towards enemy champions, but his base movement speed is reduced to 285 and his basic attacks deal 80% AD. Additionally, Kled's gains the ability to restore Skaarl's Courage, which is displayed in Kled's resource bar.
4 / 20 Courage is gained by killing enemy units and 5 / 15 for attacking structures, champions and epic monsters. At 100 Courage, Skaarl returns to the fight after a short delay with 50 / 60 / 70 / 80% health. Recall.png Returning to base fully restores his health. If reuniting outside of their base, Skaarl is temporarily afflicted by Frayed Nerves and cannot gain Courage for a brief period.
Beartrap on a Rope COOLDOWN: 9 / 8.5 / 8 / 7.5 / 7
Beartrap on a Rope
MOUNTED – ACTIVE: Kled hurls a beartrap tied to a piece of rope forward in a line, dealing physical damage to all enemies it passes through and attaching itself to the first enemy champion or large monster hit. Minions take 50% increased damage. 「 INITIAL DAMAGE: 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 (+ 60% bonus AD) 」
If Kled remains within a slowly decreasing radius of his target for 1.75 seconds, he Airborne icon pulls them towards him, Slow icon slowing them for 1.5 seconds and dealing them bonus damage.
「 YANK DAMAGE: 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 (+ 120% bonus AD) 」
SLOW: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60%
Pocket Pistol COOLDOWN: 3 RECHARGE: 20 - 7.25 (BASED ON LEVEL)
Pocket Pistol
UNMOUNTED – ACTIVE: Kled sprays a hail of five pellets in a cone, dealing physical damage to all enemies that intercept the pellets, and dashing 250 units in the opposite direction. Enemies hit take only 20% bonus damage per pellet beyond the first. 「 PHYSICAL DAMAGE: 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 (+ 80% bonus AD) 」
Each pellet that hits an enemy champion restores 5 Courage.
Kled periodically stores ammo, up to a maximum of 2 stored at once. Kled will store ammo even while mounted.
Violent Tendencies COOLDOWN: 14 / 12.5 / 11 / 9.5 / 8
Violent Tendencies
PASSIVE: Kled periodically enters a frenzy that grants him 150% bonus attack speed on his next 4 attacks for 4 seconds, with the final attack dealing bonus physical damage, capped at 200 against monsters. BONUS PHYSICAL DAMAGE: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (+ 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8% (+ 5% per 100 bonus AD) of target's maximum health)
Jousting COOLDOWN: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10
MOUNTED – ACTIVE: Kled and Skaarl dash a fixed distance in the target direction, dealing physical damage to all enemies in their path and gaining 50% bonus movement speed for 1 second. 「 PHYSICAL DAMAGE: 20 / 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 (+ 60% bonus AD) 」
Kled and Skaarl mark the last enemy champion or large monster they hit, gaining the ability to reactivate Jousting to dash a fixed distance through the marked target, dealing physical damage to all enemies hit.
Chaaaaaaaarge!!! RANGE: 5000 / ? COOLDOWN: 160 / 140 / 120
MOUNTED – ACTIVE: Kled and Skaarl charge toward the target location, automatically navigating around terrain along the way.
While charging, the duo gain bonus movement speed and a shield, both increasing over the duration. MAXIMUM SHIELD: 200 / 300 / 400 (+ 300% bonus AD)
The shield lasts for 2 seconds upon finishing the charge. The duo trails a directional draft on their wake for 10 seconds that grants the same movement speed to all allied champions who follow their lead.
Skaarl homes in on the first enemy champion encountered, Airborne icon knocking them back and dealing them physical damage based on the distance traveled.
PHYSICAL DAMAGE: 12 / 15 / 18% (+ 12% per 100 AD) of target's maximum health
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Keep in mind, this build guide is still a work in progress, I will try my hardest to update at every patch and or major meta change. Have fun boys
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Firetrucks
Firetrucks Kled Guide
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