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Xin Zhao Build Guide by Fultzilla

Fultzilla's Xin (TOP LANE)

Fultzilla's Xin (TOP LANE)

Updated on July 4, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Fultzilla Build Guide By Fultzilla 1,990 Views 0 Comments
1,990 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Fultzilla Xin Zhao Build Guide By Fultzilla Updated on July 4, 2013
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After trying out a few builds from the site, I decided to take a few ideas of my own and try it out. It's been working so far and I've been at this build for a few weeks now.

I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions.
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I chose Avarice Blade first because with the Brawler's Gloves it helps with early game kills, especially once you grab the charge at level 2. I typically get at least one kill within the first 5 mins with help of my teammates. As soon as possible, I return to finish the Avarice Blade, and a Boots of Speed if I have enough to grab them. Avarice, helps me get the rest of my build faster. Now, about 3/10 times I find that I need the extra attack speed from Berserker's Greaves, so I generally go with Mercury's Treads. Next up is the BF Sword.

Try your best to resist buying a dagger first, it's definitely worth it. As soon as Black Cleaver is complete, the game usually goes in your favor. If by chance that it isn't, I'd suggest buying the Giant's Belt before Phage. I typically buy Phage first, just to start on the chance of slowing the enemies. The reason why I put Wit's End in this is a just in case scenario to where you're taking too much damage from magic. I generally never get a chance to get all of these items in one game.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Fultzilla
Fultzilla Xin Zhao Guide
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Fultzilla's Xin (TOP LANE)

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