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Welcome to Galio ARAM! (Intro)
Here's a build I used recently with GREAT success, with Galio in ARAM!
ARAM doesn't usually require much thought when it comes to item buys, you just pick whatever fits your comp, or matchup.
This here is an all-around great build which will keep you alive forever and get you MANY kills. Unbreakable tank with great damage, as Galio is meant to be!
Check out the notes for the items, and note the build. This is meant to be an advisory build, which people can use to simply look at the items (which is very common) so don't expect much details regarding the champ, or match-ups.
I could allow this build to ingest heaps more information but this will all suffice.
Taking Galio in ARAM can be a great benefit to your team, and he shouldn't always be rerolled. GO TANK META :D
Thank you all for reading, if you have any questions about Galio please ask in the comments!
I hope this informative post can be relevant and help you guys understand Kayle a bit more.
Feel free to drop by my Patreon to stay updated with any creations I may make for Mobafire in the future, or see what else I'm up to! Currently this is my third guide, and third creation for Patreon. Thanks for your time, and I hope this guide has helped you stay informed about Galio! Patreon link below.
Taking Galio in ARAM can be a great benefit to your team, and he shouldn't always be rerolled. GO TANK META :D
Thank you all for reading, if you have any questions about Galio please ask in the comments!
I hope you enjoyed my guide!
Please make sure to vote/commend/like it if you've gotten this far, only takes a few moments!
I hope this informative post can be relevant and help you guys understand Kayle a bit more.
Feel free to drop by my Patreon to stay updated with any creations I may make for Mobafire in the future, or see what else I'm up to! Currently this is my third guide, and third creation for Patreon. Thanks for your time, and I hope this guide has helped you stay informed about Galio! Patreon link below.
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