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His E (his stun) is only 0.5 seconds if there's no other ally on the opposite side so try to avoid having a teammate on the other side for less stun time. He wont be able to use W (true damage line) after a 0.5 second stun. Look to Q instantly when you see him use this ability to dodge the true damage. After you Q behind him run for a little bit to allow his shield to die down. He also can just auto you to death if you aren't careful, so use Irelia's longer auto attack range to kite. Whenever you can Q to minions, Do it. The healing you get from Qing the minions can save you from many situations.
Tahm Kench
AVOID TONGUE DANGER DANGER DANGER. Can save e for when he tries to hope out with his w if you are getting a gank. 1v1s against this monster are very difficult to win. As long as you dodge most of his Qs through laning phase you should be able to survive. Look to take other fights against the enemy jungler or carries.
Dodge W in lane and you win the fight as long as you have max stacks. When she ults you hug a wall so she doesn't activate all 4 vitals. After laning phase is over, fights against her will be a lot harder. What you can do to dodge her Parry is dash to her the moment she uses it so your character model ends up behind her. A safer way to do this is by just flashing out of the hitbox.
When he uses counterstrike (his e) can do one of two things. 1. W instantly to reduce damage. 2. q to minions far away so he can't stun you. Your passive outvalues his by a huge margin so when you get max stacks you win as long as you avoid counterstrike.
His damage when he reaches level 6 is INSANE. Watch out for this. You can fight him once you reach level 3. W his Q to reduce the damage. His Q is his main source of DPS so if you can W it you are in the winning seat for the one verses one.
Early game he completely slaps you around. When he turns level 6 it is unsafe to farm in lane. If he doesn't use his spell shield on your e then you maybe win. His fear goes for a long time so prepare your w for when the chain procs the fear. Most Nocturnes will take ignite and teleport so get your jungler to gank him. He will be immobile with the lack of flash. You can get cheeky and stall your second cast of E to bait out the spell shield.
It is very hard to outplay Akali due to her shroud and low cooldown on Q. Fight her early if you get the chance. The more levels she gets on her Q the harder it is to fight her. Her beginning cost on her Q is 130 energy so she has to use it scarcely. The moment she reaches levels 5-7 is when you have to be scared. The shroud will make it so she can stall out her energy bar to make it refill. The optimal time to fight her are around levels 1-2. Her damage will be the lowest around this time and if you can land E on her just go for it.
He wins any trade as long as he hits taunt so look out for that ability the most. Also avoid being in between his sword and his champion. This will reduce the damage his q does as well as his attack speed. Most Shen players will opt to take ignite rather than teleport so watch out for his all in potential.
Avoid walking close to walls. When she hits her stun, she gets a lot of free damage in a trade. Her early game damage is nothing to worry about because her Q is on a 8 second cooldown. If you get 4 stacks and you're level 2, hit E on her then dash. She most likely upgrades her stun second so you won't have to worry about her W stopping your Q. Wait for her to use W before using Q near her. There's a trick where you use Q right next to her in her W. If you do so, it will give you the Q reset but still ground you. This is optimal because you get the heal from using Q and you still have the reset for when her W goes down.
She outtrades you with her passive but, due to recent nerfs her passive early game is 20 seconds. You can use this to fight in between the cooldown of her passive. Dodging her E is very important because most of her damage in a a trade will come from the attack speed boost she gets on her E. If you cannot dodge the E use W right away to reduce most of her auto attack damage. Later in the game you should be able to all in Camille as long as you hit one of your Q resets on her. She will most likely ult either your E or your ult so use this to hit at least one.
Gwen has a lot of damage and healing. Make sure to buy a executioners or a bramble vest to reduce some of that healing. Her damage when she reaches level 6 will completely destroy you, so look for a fight before then. If she is taking ignite and teleport, ask your jungler to gank her. She will be easier to gank without a flash.
Before he reaches level 6 is the best time to fight him. Mordekaiser's ultimate will take some of your core stats and give it to himself. This gives him a HUGE advantage in a one versus one. His passive can be scary early on, but your passive will outdamage him by a ton. Use your Q to get behind him when he uses Q. This will give you a huge damage advantage. If you can't avoid his E, use your W to block his damage. He will most likely try to combo his Q with his E.
His levels 1-2 can cheese you. His Q resets his auto attacks so watch out. You almost always lose level 1 in an all in. Trundle's Q also takes a little bit of your attack damage, making you weaker. When he reaches level 2 he can place a pillar to cheese you from running away or make a zone, increasing his movement speed and attack speed. When he reaches level 6, bait out his ultimate then run away. You cannot win in a one versus one with his ult on you, unless you are very ahead. His ult steals your HP and some of your stats, making it very disadvantageous in a one verses one.
WATCH OUT FOR HIS ALL IN. Level 1 I highly recommend getting E first to stop him from jumping on you and autoing you to death. If you get to stay alive to levels 6-9 then you are chillin. He will be really strong so make sure to get Steelplate as soon as you can to reduce his damage. Late game he will be strong enough to 1v1 you so be careful and play for teamfights instead.
Just watch out for his windwall. It will most likely be used to block your E. If he is threatening to tornado you, use your W reactively. You should be able to win as long as you have full stacks.
Shields and cc are a good combination with irelia's high damage output.
Speedup and shields help irelia's damage output.
Anyone with lots of crowd control is good with Irelia because they can combo their abilities with Irelia's E.
Shields and cc are a good combination with irelia's high damage output.
Speedup and shields help irelia's damage output.
Anyone with lots of crowd control is good with Irelia because they can combo their abilities with Irelia's E.
In the scenario where you are not leashing for your jungler get to wave first and auto the three melee minions. You can also choose to auto one ranged minion in q death range so you can get free four stacks level 1. Your damage when you reach max stacks will be higher than most other champions. Champions you should watch out for early game are: Sett, Shen, Tahm Kench and Trundle. They will out damage you almost all the time. If lane state is even look to get priority if you can. Since Irelia can push in waves really fast, clear the first two waves of minions then look for a gank mid or you can also reset and come back to wave with an extra item. The wave will push back and your enemy laner will be scared to fight since you have a long sword with Doran's blade or Corrupting Potion. A second option you can do is stack three minion waves if you can then push in when your jungler is getting the scuttle crab. The enemy laner will be unable to react because they will be missing a lot of farm.
In the scenario where you have to leash your jungler, know that you will be playing weakside. The wave will automatically push towards you since the enemy laner is most likely already in lane when you arrive. Avoid losing health points as much as possible so you don't get dove around levels two or three. It is ok to miss some farm as long as you are getting the experience points. If the enemy team does end up trying to dive you it's OUTPLAY time. If they have crowd control abilities reactively use your w when they use it on you. This will minimize the damage output they have significantly. While charging aim at the minion wave so the minions are at q death health. If there are minions you can q to try reaching there as soon as the enemies have turret aggro. This will maximize the amount of damage the turret does to the enemies. at levels two to three it should take only three to four turret shots to kill an enemy, and that's if they're at full health. Look to get your stun on the enemy champion that is taking turret aggro.
Mid Game
Look for areas where you can get lots of kills. This is when you start to power spike. Goredrinker allows you to be a little reckless with your HP since it heals so much. You can look for dives but, make sure you coordinate with your team. If you guys properly share turret aggro. You always want to be shoving in the side lanes so the enemy side laner has to react. If no one is there to take the wave you can keep pushing and get towers. If they engage on your team teleport immediately if it is a good fight. YOU will be the one to determine if it is a good fight.
Late Game
This is the phase where you have to be the most careful. This is because your death timer wilil be around 40 to 50 seconds. If you die, then the opposing team gets a free 4v5. If you are split pushing, there are certain criteria you need to know before you get into the side lane: 1. Do you beat the enemy side laners in a 1v1? 2. Is there an objective on the other side of the map? 3. Do you have teleport up? These are all essential to having a safe split push. When there is no one on the map make sure to back up into a safe area. When you can place a ward in an area that will detect anyone rotating to your lane. In a team fight, aim for the squishiest member of the opposite team. It is usually the AD Carry but, the meta is changing so there might be 2 supports or a AP Carry. When you do kill their carry, you should be able to kill the rest of their team with Conquerer healing and Goredrinker Healing.
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