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Recommended Items
Runes: Normal
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Ability max
New Destiny (PASSIVE)
Graves Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Your range is pathetic, and Caitlyn will laugh at it. She will autoattack you everytime you try to exist. DON'T pick Graves versus her. She is also probably the only adc who can outshove you.
IF they are a vulnerable lane, they will die immediatly.
IF they are a vulnerable lane, they will die immediatly.
Champion Build Guide
Well, first off, you need to know what their botlane picked, DON'T PICK GRAVES ADC IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE LANING AGAINST. This is very important, I can't guarantee you will have an enjoyable experience if you blind pick him. Now that we got that clear...
What do I need to avoid?
Caitlyn and Ashe, mainly. These champs will make the lane completely unplayable and you will be so behind on gold it will be almost impossible to come back. Second off, the support matchup, as with every AD Carry, this is extremely important, avoid games where your support picked Janna vs a Draven Nautilus, you're better off picking Ezreal or something that doesn't rely on the support as much.
What am I looking for?
Kai'Sa, Vayne, Samira, Janna, Morgana. All champs you can destroy. Kai'Sa's low range makes her extremely abusable, even with an enchanter support. Graves also excels vs assassins because of the armor he can get from E, so if it's looking like a rough game for a regular AD, I recommend you try him out!
Smokescreen is broken. Abuse it at the end of trades so they can't retaliate, at the beginning so they can't engage back, to engage yourself while they're slowed and blinded, it has an infinite amount of uses that you can apply to every situation.
I'm not gonna explain all the combos you can do on Graves since there are plenty of guides in YouTube that can explain them better than me through text, but know that it's worth learning them.
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