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New Destiny (PASSIVE)
Graves Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Hello, I am an EUW player from the UK. I play on a regular basis and this is my frist guide. I have really enjoyed this champion thus far so I thought I would try a guide out. I hope it helps you and if it does please up vote it. These are my special tips and tricks to winning games with Graves while keeping a consistent KDA.
Low Threat
Lee sin
No problem. So long as you keep in mind the core mechanics of Graves and don't mess up skill shots. Lee sins are a walk in the park. (You're doing the walking). ;)
Big Threat
Big problem. Play the game safer when against Dianna jungle, she's very strong against Graves since she can get behind him and deal mass damage.
When attacking a champion with Graves Q. Try to hit a wall as this will make the Q come back quicker dependent on how close you are to the wall. Tight spaces make Graves Q really powerful and you can almost 1 shot squishy champions in tight spaces.
Try placing Graves W in front of a champion when moving so they are forced to walk through the full length of the W. This can be used to save lives of team and can completely change a team fight. This is really good against champions such as Master Yi and Yasuo.
E gives Graves stacks upon usage. Each stack gives Graves 5 Magic Resist and 5 Armour. The stacks max at 8. Therefore Graves can get 40 Magic Resist and 40 Armour within the first couple minutes of the game. This information is CRUCIAL!
Shoot one bullet use E then shoot the other 2. This is for max speed of E. Shooting 2 bullets then using E will waste time as Graves starts reloading after 2 bullets, pressing E will cancel the animation and add about 0.1/0.2 seconds you may not be able to spare.
Attacking a creep or player resets the stacks cool down. Pressing E also resets the cool down. When taking out your jungle you must use this to your advantage.
R can allow graves to jump over walls when his back is facing the wall. R is really good for sniping low enemy champions and dealing mass damage in team fights.
START BLUE! (Mana and CDR is crucial on Graves)
With Graves you can 100% clear a jungle and keep your E stacks. Crossing the middle of the lane is difficult but can be mastered within a couple games. Make sure to save your E for crossing the middle of the lane. This will save your stacks and therefore make you tanky while wave clearing.
If the jungler cheeses your RED, you can cheese him back and steal his RED in return. To make sure you know this, get your laners (closest to your Red) to defend or ward your Red.
Usually if you get invaded by their jungler, you will be able to win the fight, this is because your E stacks will have you tanky enough for magic resist and armor, and you will have walls around you for Q efficiency. Graves is brilliant close range.
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