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Nilah Build Guide by tomoemioo

ADC guide for nilah TomoeMioo

ADC guide for nilah TomoeMioo

Updated on September 2, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author tomoemioo Build Guide By tomoemioo 6 0 15,228 Views 0 Comments
6 0 15,228 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author tomoemioo Nilah Build Guide By tomoemioo Updated on September 2, 2023
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Runes: scaling

1 2 3 4
Legend: Bloodline
Last Stand


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3 4
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

guide for nilah TomoeMioo

By tomoemioo
Why nilah and me
For me nilah is very uniq adc u know when u re fed as adc u are like lvl 9 when u leave later lane right ? but what if enemy team had fed mid or top and he is lvl 11-12
for nilah if u farm very good and leave bot fed u are like lvl 11 with ur supp it is realy insane potential for carry ur game, engage with this adc is very good even if u do not have engage if u know timing with ur W and E R.

about me i am Gm peak right now M
Nilah E/M/L
Early game - i think all u haveto do is full focus on cs last hiting bcs u are benefiting too much from ur pasive if u farm too good u will be lvl 6 when enemy bot only lvl 4.
Mid game - mid game if i am little bit fed i full focus on helping my team in mid game if u have atleast 3 items u can oneshoot everything instead of tanks or bruisers but even them are not problem for nilah.
Late game - late game if u have some tank items i think nilah is unkilable if enemy team is behind trust me
Items sit.
Gallforce - if they have too much range champs play gall u can do some stuff with ur R like R gall to them or E R gall to your team so u pull them closer.

Maw - if they have 2ap more or fed ap logic.. :D

Bloodhister - i dont know if it is good right now after nerf from 50%hp to 70% cap
Death dance - too much ad and if u think u can kill them quickly and heal
E stuff
u have to wait for ur E range in early stage never do staff like E minion second E enemy u cant escape then and u have to burn ur flash w8 for enemy E on them and save ur 1E for folow or escape it is best trade for u and u burn his flash every time or kill.
aa Q aa animation cancel
under tower u can cancel ur animation of aa, aa Q aa
aa Q aa
E Q garbage
next i prefer never use E Q it is worst combo u can do and it is realy easy to miss rather do E aa Q or w8 and then Q.
6 lvl combo
if u are alredy 6 lvl never press W and R u just waste ur W go in press R after that w8 and then press W bcs u heal from ur R and afte that they are knocked and pulled 1s so they cant attack and after that if u press W u have huge advantage.
E R interaction
R gallf
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