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sidestep her e, go all in by jumping in with w then follow up with eq when ganking.
Don't let her get fat, constantly gank her early using weq combo and hopefully put her behind in the game.
dont get too close for his wq combo, poke from a distance especially with your passive and just play it cool, dont panic.
sidestep his q, poke him down. if too tanky, get lord dominik's.
easy. w out of her q range and eq combo her until she dies :) DONT STAND IN HER ULT
dont get stunned by her, gank when her stun is down and you should be okay. same weq combo.
make sure your team's support is ready to enter and bodyblock her ult, if you get hit by her ult while ganking you're screwed.
Aurelion Sol
who the heck plays aurelion HAHA anyways just w away from his q and eq combo when ganking, standard.
try ganking him when he's lower on mana, it'll be a lot easier.
dont let him position a q stun on you, should be quite easy.
w in after he sets up his w, follow up with ew combo, standard.
he blocks projectiles aka your autoattacks, so he's quite annoying when ganking but try to aim him first unless their adc has autism and walks in front of him.
dont step on her traps, go in and kill her. good job, you did it.
make sure your laner is there, you dont want to 1v1 a camille when playing tristana jungle.
dont get poisoned or she will chunk you down like a beast.
w out of his q if you can do so in time, eq before he lands his silence and go all in. back off if you're low or get munched on by his ult.
should be quite easy unless your laner sucks HAHA
dont. get. pulled. or else you're dead. dont w in, just walk to him and eq from a distance, make sure you never get too close to him or else you're dead.
dont let her qr onto you, attack from afar when ganking with eq combo and hopefully your laner manages to kill her.
Dr. Mundo
dont get hit by his q's and you should be okay when ganking him, stay away when attacking dont get too near or it will be easy for him to land his q's.
his q can knock you aside mid-w so try to wait for your laners to engage before joining the fight.
dont get hit by his q, weq combo should be enough.
dont get stunned by her web and you should win the fight against her.
quite easy to 1v1. if she tries to invade just chunk her down. only watch out when she hits 6 because her ulti's damage is quite huge.
he will chunk you down when you are gankign with his q's, and he can escape easily with his e. try not to gank and pray that your bot doesnt flame you.
drain's damage is disgusting, dont try to 1v1 him when jungling. ult him when he ults to a teamfight to cockblock his ulti damage. watch out for his q (fear).
gay fiora can kiss my arse. she WILL parry your e so bait it out before throwing out your e. jump behind her after making sure that your laner is aware, then chunk her down with eq combo.
gay little fish. make him e before throwing out your e so that it's easier to stack. jump behind him so you can attack him more even after he uses his e. G-Z CHAMPIONS TO BE CONTINUED
to counter blitzcrank, you have to know how to play tristana. if you w before his q, you will get pulled. however, if you w only right before his q is about to reach you, you will be able to jump away.
These are some games where I played Tristana Jungle, it worked quite well so far. Apparently even challenger players play Tristana Jungle, according to as I saw quite a few renown pro players playing Tristana Jungle. Please feel free to comment your opinion so that I will be able to edit according to your needs! Have nothing else to say so yeah thank you for viewing my guide! :)
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