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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Blast Shield (PASSIVE)
Vi Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
jax is the biggest counter of vi.
his attackspeed and damage makes him the biggest counter.
Try to combine hp/armor items with hp/damage items.
Always start at the botside so you have 2 people to help you to clear faster the first jungle camp. at the second camp you first auto attack and immediately use your e to avoid the first damage.
Ganking, many people think it is hard to gank. As vi you have even 2 ways to gank.
1. with your q you can jump a short distance to wards your enemy. try to predict a bit where the enemy will go to. landing your q can be pretty hard.
2. with your r you can go a long distance to grab the enemy.
I prefer to use the q first because it deals a lot of damage when you land your q on the enemy. When the enemy tries to get away you can still use your ultimate to close the gap.
When an enemy is very low under his/her turret you can easy go in with your q and then flash even further towards him and then escape so you can still take the kill. This can be very had because when you miss your q the possibility taking the kill and survive is then way less.
At a early lvl try to avoid turret diving, because you don't have a lot of hp.
Always start at the botside so you have 2 people to help you to clear faster the first jungle camp. at the second camp you first auto attack and immediately use your e to avoid the first damage.
Ganking, many people think it is hard to gank. As vi you have even 2 ways to gank.
1. with your q you can jump a short distance to wards your enemy. try to predict a bit where the enemy will go to. landing your q can be pretty hard.
2. with your r you can go a long distance to grab the enemy.
I prefer to use the q first because it deals a lot of damage when you land your q on the enemy. When the enemy tries to get away you can still use your ultimate to close the gap.
When an enemy is very low under his/her turret you can easy go in with your q and then flash even further towards him and then escape so you can still take the kill. This can be very had because when you miss your q the possibility taking the kill and survive is then way less.
At a early lvl try to avoid turret diving, because you don't have a lot of hp.
When the teamfight stage is there you will be the one to engage the fight. As vi you can go in with your q or r. Try to lock your vision on the adc or midlane. they deal the most damage of the enemy. When you go in you have to ping first who you will focus and when you go in. So you team can follow you. Most of the times you will die, because they will focus you. but that is okay because your team will win the teamfight, because they focus you the tank and not the biggest damage dealers of your team who can do tons of damage to the enemy.
Start at the bottem side of the map so you start with 1 person extra to deal damage to the red/blue camp. After clearing that camp go to Groump or raptors. Your second ability is your e. When you click your e you have 2 stacks so you can clear very quick that camp. When you as second camp the raptors first auto attack then immediately use your e for your passive and then smite the big raptor to get health. After that use your second e on the smaller raptors to clear it faster. At the point you reach level 4 you can easy gank top or mid. you deal a lot of damage with your e and q so most of the time it is a free kill. When you reach level 5 you can do drake with the help of your support or you do drake when you reach lvl 6 then you can solo drake easy. When you do drake start with your q and save the next q if an enemy wants to attack you. You can then easy jump over the wall with your q.
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