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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Main build
Hextech Affinity (PASSIVE)
Heimerdinger Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Heals and ability to avoid any poke just denies the heimer on lane. It is hard to do anything against her on lane. Later on she is really useful and tend to win teamfigths
Cait and Heimer duo is one of the strongest in the game. Heimer can deny attacks from close while Cait can use her range to control the lane
Cait and Heimer duo is one of the strongest in the game. Heimer can deny attacks from close while Cait can use her range to control the lane
Champion Build Guide
The typical places to put turrets are the bushes or behind a wall on bottom. The turrets doesn't have range to hit minions, but can attack anyone that enters bushes. More than that, if enemies are close, your granade or rockets will trigger the charged attack. Middle bush stun is the best one as few turrets can attack at once.
Other than that place your turrets near minions if you want to push. If you want to poke enemies and they are far to bushes, you can do it too, but remember you will push lane this way. After turrets are places, you can try to stun or use rockets to trigger charged attacks on enemies. It is your main tool to poke enemies. If they get close and you have turrets nearby, you can outburst enemies if done right.
1. You can place turret to avoid getting caught with some skill - Nautilius, Blitz, Thresh, Pyke etc.
2. Turrets one hits Zyra's plants!
3. If you don't have wards, you can place turrets, when inactive they can also spot enemy. It is situational, in the most cases don't do it
4. Turrets tanks mobs. It is really great to help jungler get his buff with 2 turrets used. On dragon you can both tank his damage or keep turrets in pit to avoid dragon being lured out by enemies
5. Zone out enemies. Low HP enemies or if you are fed, the danger of turrets can zone out enemies, so they can't join teamfights
6. Steal enemy jungle buffs. It is really easy to do it with 3 turrets. You can also create some ambush with stun + R rockets combo
Rockets - it is burst damage, if you see low hp enemy and stun them correctly, you can use this R to kill him. You can also do some trap - 3 turrets in a bush, if you land a stun and add R rockets to it, you can instakill some squishy targets. Don't use it in team fights, unless you catch enemy adc / apc that can be killed. Turret is a better choice in most cases
Granade - it is a great way to stun enemies in team fights - if you see an opportunity to stun adc or some really imporant target, you can aim at him. You can also try to stun teams that position badly, so you stun multiple targets. You need to decide if you want to use turret for damage or granade for cc, sometimes you need damage, sometimes cc. If enemies has highly mobile champions that can easly run away from turret or can destroy turret easly, use granade
R + granade can stun enemies in fight, but also can prevent some enemies coming - sometimes it is not worth to wait for rest of enemies to join fight. Even one enemy stunned from afar, can win your teamfight.
Other than that try to place turrets to zone out enemies or to melt them with charged attacks. If you see that the fight is really dangerous, you can place turrets in the back, to have speed buff to be able to escape faster if the fight goes wrong.
Focus on protecting ADC by stunning enemies and keeping damage. Even tank will get melted after some time, so they can't stick to your ADC.
The Heimerdinger support is super oppresive on lane.
His damage is often at the top in the game.
Heimer requires good planning and knownledge of supporting to be able to win with meta supports.
The unusual pick can both surprise enemies or get the team flame you if they fail (even it is not your fault, you play non-meta Heimer support, you are first to be blamed)
Using turret to not waste ward. Normally I also use two turrets to tank buff mob for my jungler
Example of how we can set turrets. Notice that one is hidden, second is in some range from enemies and third one, the newest one, is super close. After grenade hit (even not direct) they do great damage
As above, soon after we were able to gain kill thanks to turret placement and successful trade
I am using turrets for 3 things here:
1. Tank dragon
2. Do damage to dragon
3. Gain visibility and zone out enemies from dragon
Successful stun + R rockets lead to kill of jungler
I am setting up turrets for visibility, zoning and to be able to deal damage to deffend pit
Successful stun leads to kill on Zilean
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