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Corki Build Guide by Hybrider

AD Carry Heimerdinger's Magical Defense Line Airship, Late Game Corki

AD Carry Heimerdinger's Magical Defense Line Airship, Late Game Corki

Updated on January 3, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hybrider Build Guide By Hybrider 21,478 Views 0 Comments
21,478 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Hybrider Corki Build Guide By Hybrider Updated on January 3, 2015
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Instruction Manual for Heimerdinger's MDLA

This build grows up, weakens, then has conditioned results. It works mostly on tankless teams, since armor pen comes late. The janky build can isolate and duel people, and can finish people extremely easily. Its vulnerable on the sides, but can put on a scary mask on a protective and big team. It is a very situational build that can pose as an awkward strength to your team. Until the meta changes this will be over powered. If it changes.

Typically start off your early to mid game with building a triforce, where Corki has a power spike from the item. During this time, make sure to build your Gunblade soon. Follow in with Sorcerer's Boots or Greaves to capitalize on that. Entering the mid game, you will start to weaken a lot, since you are in a standstill within your Guinsoo's Rageblade and Hextech Gunblade, you can easily fall off. If you do not manage to survive this, build normally after your whatever you have to finish. Managing to finish off these items, you can cover his late game weakening and start a bursty late game which can purely define who wins on how you play it out with your team.

The mechanism is very situational and for use only on special times. It is extremely farm dependent. You can definately make use of it in solo queue, but going to be used 1 out of a 100th time in ranked. Unless you know how to screw over the manual, then go ahead. It will not help you in the case where your team is behind in general, even if you are ahead.
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How it all will be put together in the game

Early Game
Your first 20 minutes will be a usual Corki game, get Dorans, health pots, and yellow/blue trinket. Earn the power from Trinity Force, and make sure you are proficiently farming. The early game will be rather cheap Boots and Trinity will cost roughly 4,000 gold, if you can finish that before 25 minutes. If you are caught behind, this build will become sort of useless, I suggest you continue with a regular Corki build.

Mid Game Transition
Holding onto the power spike from Trinity Force, still focus on farming up start going into battles, but try not to focus fights as you enter the mid game. You are going to be pushed down a little heading into late game. Farm up and build up the mid game items in the guide, and try your hardest not to be denied. Trying to buy items and make the money is what makes you so weak in that power frozen time. Ward up a lot and be in safe contact. You will still be a worthy opponent, but that Trinity Force damage will start to shake out. It won't be the longest drought of power, but soon you will get your Hextech Gunblade and/or your Rageblade, which will be great as long as your opponent hasn't scaled a lot of armor. The build won't help if your team is so very behind and you are ahead.

End Game
Finally Corki can test out Heimerdinger's finished product. It covers his late game weakness with a more empowered ultimate and crazy basic attacks. Now that you have all these items, you will make your impact, if your team hasn't already. As said in the manual, you will be vulnerable and soft on the sides, but can glass cannon. Your Q might fall off a bit in damage as earlier in the game, but your ultimate and basic attack will be blades for team. You can be an assassin in fact. Use your Ultimate to pierce down, W onto them with Gunblade, Q, E, use your Rageblade basic attacks when dire. In this case, your choice of boots will be VERY important. If you don't kill them, then you will be vulnerable, so either get Greaves to help finish off with Rageblade basics, or Sorcerer's boots and do more with your R and Q. I tend to get a lot of kills with this strategy. I'm afraid to say, if this doesn't work out, sell everything for a regular Corki build which can still be effectively powerful. He will not succeed very well against tank heavy opponents as this build does not offer much penetration. Although, against a squish damage team, this can be an extremely effective poke and finisher build.
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Pros / Cons

    Supports dueling
    Keeps and improves basic attack power from regular build
    Adds more to Corki's burst with his abilities
    Ultimate Ability benefits greatly with the AP/AD ratio.
    Still maintains power spike from the regular Corki build.
    Good chase
    Better late game in contrast with the regular build's late game weakness
    Extremely weak mid game, which can be hazardous to the late game
    Unreliable late game
    Overall can't use this build every game
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Item Tips

Early Game
During this time, it is a time to abuse the lane or around it with your triforce(Sheen if ahead, Phage if behind). Following the Trinity Force can be Sorcerers Shoes or Berserkers Greaves to sharpen your power.

Boots are not necessary for now, although can make Corki scarier in lane. Choose between the Sorcerers Shoes or Berserkers Greaves, Sorcerers won't be as effective as Berserkers, but will scale with your magic, and Berserker will keep you alive and stronger as you continue to build, and will greatly benefit along the Rageblade time of the game. Once all of your abilities are used in assassinations, it could be difficult to kill them if they aren't dead, so Berserkers could help a lot.

If you are ahead enough to sacrifice, go on ahead with the build, if not then go above to *"Inable to Continue"

This build specializes in bursty assassination, but can weaken easily. The Gunblade and the Rageblade will become extremely handy.
You might be able to switch out the Bloodthirster for a Mercurial Scimitar or a tank item.
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End notes

You win or you don't, but it worked out for me.
"It's interesting", "It's alright" -some people

The build in play (NOT MY VIDEO):
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hybrider
Hybrider Corki Guide
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Heimerdinger's Magical Defense Line Airship, Late Game Corki

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