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Vayne Build Guide by TATAA

AD Carry Hella Damage - Jungle Vayne

AD Carry Hella Damage - Jungle Vayne

Updated on July 10, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TATAA Build Guide By TATAA 4,924 Views 1 Comments
4,924 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TATAA Vayne Build Guide By TATAA Updated on July 10, 2015
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Hello! I'm TATAA and I've been playing Vayne as my main for quite some time now. Not only have I acquired a vast amount of experience, but lots of enjoyment as well. There's just something about Vayne's kit that sets her aside from other ADCs. Maybe it's the mechanically challenging Tumbles that are capable of dodging almost everything. Or perhaps the powerful Condemn that allows for a massive stun and free damage with good positioning. The fact is that playing Vayne is a lot of fun!

I'll be adding new sections to this guide over time.
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Why Jungle Vayne?

Silver Bolts is an extremely powerful ability as well as one of Vayne's defining features as a hypercarry. Now, normally, it takes 3 consecutive hits to proc the effect and deal the %-based True Damage.

Thanks to the newly released Sated Devourer, which is achieved through 30 Stacks of the regular Devourer, insane things can happen. With Sated Devourer, every other attack applies on-hit effects twice. You heard that right.

What this means for Vayne is 2 consecutive hits to proc the Silver Bolts True Damage. That's a lot of damage, really fast.

Sadly, you need to kill jungle camps in order to gain those 30 Stacks and no one wants to steal from their jungler. Hence, Jungle Vayne.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TATAA
TATAA Vayne Guide
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Hella Damage - Jungle Vayne

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