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Rek'Sai Build Guide by Krones25

Assassin Hide yo kids, hide yo wife (Rek'Sai)

Assassin Hide yo kids, hide yo wife (Rek'Sai)

Updated on December 15, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Krones25 Build Guide By Krones25 2,593 Views 0 Comments
2,593 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Krones25 Rek'Sai Build Guide By Krones25 Updated on December 15, 2014
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The early gank

Once you hit lvl. 3 it's important for you to get a gank because it sets you up to build your needed items faster. Go underground and use your E to quickly move in on your target and hit them with your unburrow to knock them up. Make sure your laner is there to help you because Rek'Sai is pretty squishy.
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Counter Jungling

This is my favorite thing to do with Rek'Sai. If you spot your enemy jungle trying to kill their camp with 3/4 health or less, you can usually tunnel in real quick and kill them easy depend on the level. Also look to steal camps so you can put them behind. Don't worry your tunnels make it easy to escape.
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Team Fights

Sadly, Rek'Sai isn't a good team fighter but don't let that stop you from hanging around the fight. You can quickly change the fight digging a tunnel in real quick and then knocking them up but I advise you sneak up and take out the ADC really quick. You can also chase down the people trying to escape. Just remember if you don't think you can kill the enemy swiftly in the team fight don't go in.
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This is what I've been using and have had pretty good success. If you want me to expand on techniques or have suggestions, post them in the comments and I'll look into them and add it to this guide. Thanks!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Krones25
Krones25 Rek'Sai Guide
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Hide yo kids, hide yo wife (Rek'Sai)

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