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Lux Build Guide by luminyan

Middle How to carry with Lux!

Middle How to carry with Lux!

Updated on July 25, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author luminyan Build Guide By luminyan 7,365 Views 0 Comments
7,365 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author luminyan Lux Build Guide By luminyan Updated on July 25, 2021
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Runes: Always

1 2
Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band
Absolute Focus

Cheap Shot
Ultimate Hunter

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
vs. Burst/Assassin
LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

How to carry with Lux!

By luminyan
Knowing Lux!
Let's light it up!

Hey there! If you're here, I'm assuming you wanna know Lux! I'm here to walk you through her basic abilities, combos, and playstyle! I consider myself a one-trick Lux, so I know most her matchups and kill potential.
Abilities + Combos
Passive: Illumination - Lux's passive is a mark that's left on her enemies after being hit with her abilities that deals damage once hit with an auto attack. The mark stays for 6 seconds before disappearing, and it can be reset with a 0 second cooldown. Lux's passive cannot be popped with another ability (Q, E, R). In order for the cooldown to proc, it has to be an auto attack. This passive sets up pretty good early game damage, as a Q+AA+E+AA can do quite a bit of damage.

Q: Light Binding - Lux's Q is a root which can hit up to two enemies per cast. Her Q range is larger than her AA range, which can come in handy when trying to escape or catch an enemy.

W: Prismatic Barrier - Lux's W is a shield that boomerangs back to Lux. It shields anyone it touches, then comes back and shields again after 2.5 seconds. It's useful in team fights, or when you're being bursted. I would recommend throwing the shield out if you think you're getting engaged on, as the shield takes 2.5 seconds to complete.

E: Lucent Singularity - Lux's E is an AOE ability that slows anyone it comes into contact with, and then detonates on recast or after the duration. It's extremely useful when you're trying to pop a spellshield without wasting your Q, need to slow an enemy down, or just want to get damage off to a group. Lux E paired with Arcane Comet and Luden's Tempest is a good source of damage, and shouldn't be used lightly.

R: Final Spark - Lux's R is a burst of light that deals damage to enemies in a straight line. It cannot be blocked by windwalls, so don't be afraid to use it if Yasuo does it as an attempt to live.

Combos I always use are Q -> AA -> E -> R, as your Q will usually run out after E if you take too long, especially considering your distance. If you land your R and they manage to get away with little HP, I would flash and auto. That will usually kill them because your passive will still be marked on to them. However, do not pop your flash unless you absolutely have to (ie. Shut down gold, first blood). Lux has little mobility, so popping flash for every single kill isn't recommended, as a counter gank will kill you.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author luminyan
luminyan Lux Guide
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How to carry with Lux!

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