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Choose Champion Build:
- Charming Engage-Poke Enemy Bot
- Versus Sustain Champ!
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Fey Feathers (PASSIVE)
Rakan Passive Ability
Intro of this guide
I'm a girl who love Rakan! I'm trying hard to main him, so I'm studying important things like items and makes various situational builds.
If you want to give me some advice, I'll be happy to read it.
Starting Items
Withyou'll obtain more health, so you can support better a trade, you'll also sustain your ADC with the passive.
Essential Items
Give to you more health, armor for sustain a fight
Your ADC will be more protect thanks to, read the passive of the item and you'll understand what I'm saying. Remember to use also on enemy's ADC
Boots's help you with more armor and give to you speed movement.
Withyou'll obtain more health, so you can support better a trade, you'll also sustain your ADC with the passive.
Essential Items
Give to you more health, armor for sustain a fight
Your ADC will be more protect thanks to, read the passive of the item and you'll understand what I'm saying. Remember to use also on enemy's ADC
Boots's help you with more armor and give to you speed movement.
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