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Nidalee Humor Guide by I-OWN-NOOBS69

Other How to play - l2p

Other How to play - l2p

Updated on September 6, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author I-OWN-NOOBS69 Build Guide By I-OWN-NOOBS69 2,052 Views 7 Comments
2,052 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author I-OWN-NOOBS69 Nidalee Build Guide By I-OWN-NOOBS69 Updated on September 6, 2013
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To start with....

My name is I-OWN-NOOBS69. Im a really pro player in silver 5. My grammarty is really good cause i'm 12 year old kid in germeny and i learn on school so stfu about it.

My main is nidalee support cause its really stronk. my spear hurts really much if hit them. But I almost never hit them, cause then they are to op and roit nerf them.

This is me guide to support nidalee better and to carry you yourself out of elo helll bronze, you noobs.
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I play nidalee as support, but i dont do the stronk meta support, that buys wards. My traps are stronk enough. cause riod nerf them on dominion so you know they are to stronn.

Early game I go as aggresive as possible, so i just always auto attack. but then their noobie jungler comes and comes 3v2. Their noob botlane cant even 2v2 our strong op pro bot.

Then my noob ****** team starts talk about wards, but wards are to expensive. they only last 3 minutes, my items i buy always last 20 minutes before the surrender of our team.

So i just auto attack enemy admarkswoman mf, and then our admarksgirl ezreal doesnt follow when i get thresh grabbed. See, life is hard in elo hell
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i usually play a bait roll cause i think thats op. I always go in unwarded jungle cause i might caught their admarksmen and kill him with my op skills. but then my teaam doent come and i die.

When i look to get baron my team doesnt follow. But we can easily just own them 5v5, when the scores for their teammates are 40-4. I always do that when i play jungle udyr. I run in and tank but my team doesnt do no de-damage. I just always get matched with n0bs, gg wp rioot.

So late game i just throw spears, i hit them with damage but my team cant finish them cause they have no cc, so i just iniate anways, cause im pro and we izily win.
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This is part most people fail. They buy tenk items lik sightstone and locket if the go support.
So, to teetch all noobs: NIDALEE IS AP HERO!!!

So you go in this build ap. I start with dorans ring cause it gives mana regen too, it steks good with my cooldown dreduction. and you get ap to damage spears harder.

You rush tear because you can stack it gut.

then you get morreloeviltomb (yes noobs you dont know name cuse i play longer then you). And then you get rabbadoms. This is good ap and then you build the rest of items as you can see in the beginning.
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late game

Just defend your turrets, you can stand there when their entire team poeshes, cause its towers and they are saave.

When they do baron you can put trap and see it, and then you tell jungler to steal it. but most of the timees they willnt cause they suck. also try to steal it with spears when it still has around 3k hp, cause you spears hit hard so its worst to predict.

always protect most important damage dealer in fights. so protect yourself.
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#1: always blame your teammates. cause you are the best
#2: dont buy wards cuse to expensive.
#3: use abilties caus nid is ap
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To da noobs

Hello commenter. If you want to hate you shouldnt do i come to your mom and bake her a potato.


Edit1: updated. Now had a full build to actually pown noobs with op nid soepport.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author I-OWN-NOOBS69
I-OWN-NOOBS69 Nidalee Guide
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