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Blitzcrank Build Guide by DaBlitzGrabz

Support How to win with Blitzcrank S4

Support How to win with Blitzcrank S4

Updated on January 22, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DaBlitzGrabz Build Guide By DaBlitzGrabz 2,887 Views 0 Comments
2,887 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DaBlitzGrabz Blitzcrank Build Guide By DaBlitzGrabz Updated on January 22, 2014
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This whole guide is made by a Blitzcrank-mainer, who wants you to support and to do something good before he stops playing league of legends.
It`s about how to react to noobs, building, matchups and what to do in what situations. If i`ve done good, please tell me in comments what i should do better.I can still fix it.
So lät da partey begin ^^ And dont forget to always ping who you grab.
for example: "I will grab if i mark an enemy" this should help out really hard
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Summoner Spells

I think that Flash and Exhaust ere the most fitting to Blitzcrank, because you can - If you read this guide - do really, really epic things with it. For example, if you grab the enemy`s ADC with your Rocket Grab,you should always flash back. If you have done this once you will never play another champion anymore believe me. ^^Attention if you grab an Ezreal, he can easily e out of the grab. More skills with flash later
Ok enough- now to exhaust - This one fits really in early game if the jungler comes ganking, or in the late game when the enemys carry gets a speed buff.
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Skills per play

Skill level 1: Learn to grab. You should do this in custom games.
Skill Level 1: First activate your E before Grabbing, then do a hit knock him up and exhaust. If you can grab him under turret. Should be a safe kill. Seems hard but is really easy if you`re sure you can grab him
Skill level 2 (for this better get warding totem in early) : In early game, get items as fast as possible run unwarded to the enemys second buff, ward it and run to the lane. If someone trys to cover or get it,grab him and you get first blood with ur adc.
Skill level 3: Grab the ADC in teamfights and exhaust him.
Skill level 4:Activate your Talisman and your W, run into the middle of the fight ( Just when Guardian Angel is on please) Do your Ultimate and see how the silence makes your team win the Teamfight. Make sure in Championselect that at least 1 of your mates got AoE.
Skill level 9000: Go from a bush grab adc ultimate do one knock up if you can, then flash away while the enemys do all their ultimates onto you ;)'
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An earlygame guide

This guide is made to WIN with Blitzcrank.So what u gonna do in early ?
Ward the usual Bushes. Tell your Jungler to gank if you have made sure that nothing is warded. Tell the adc to let them push and the 600 g for your team should do it ^^
If you have a little bit tankyness, go to ward the golems. The enemys Junglers always go to golems. To gank/invade.
If your adc sucks like a not-fed-yi, tell him that he shall always attack the minions last anddo his auto attacks on the enemys with low health. This does really help out believe me :DD
So this should have made you a better Blitzcrank now to the Pros/cons
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- You can really change a whole game with one grab
- Epic Teamfighter, good cc
- Epic Skin and Skins to buy
- One of the best early- and lategame supporters.

- Takes 5 Games to learn grab
- High mana problems
- If wrong played useless, thats why i made this guide
- One eye is bigger than the other one
- If focused low chance to escape, but he`s supp so muuahahahha
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Thank you

Thank you for reading this guide I hope you will do better with Blitz now and win more games.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DaBlitzGrabz
DaBlitzGrabz Blitzcrank Guide
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How to win with Blitzcrank S4

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