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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Moonsilver Blade (PASSIVE)
Diana Passive Ability
Why Hybrid Diana
Thats also preatty easy this Hybrid Diana Build depends on Dianas Passiv. This build is depending on the succes of Dianas Passif what means you will need to Autoatack your targed, this build gives you an atack speed of 2.00 and with Devourer you need only 2 Autoattack to Prok the Passiv that means you can attack with one passif the second. The lifesteal items are giving you enough substain to survive against burster or fulltanks + the aoe dmg from the Passiv heals you to through the Gunblade. That means you will deal with Fullbuild 1300 Dmg to your targed (with Autoattacks only in 1 second) an heal your self extream from this Damage.
Diana Jng is a easy start in the JNG you can have just Start Krugs(smite) then go Red afther that Blue and if you still have enough HP you can make Gromp too. The Problem is you can´t Gank Pretty Well if you arent lvl 6+ beause you dont have a gapcloser pre 6 afther that you can jsut keep Ganking farm your jng to stack Devourer.
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