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Power Chord (PASSIVE)
Sona Passive Ability
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With your lack of mobility, a good blitzcrank will destroy Sona. You will most likely die or have to burn flash.
You can decide to take two different rune paths, either Kleptomancy or Aery, but Aery is the rune path I prefer. You take Aery for the extreme poke and heal potential that goes well with your kit. You take manaflow for the extra mana sustain in lane. You almost always want to try and get the manaflow on a Wcast, since it costs the most. Transcendence is taken because of the early CDR that you gain, and since you will get more CDR than the cap, it will help add to your AP. Scorch is taken for your early poke damage, as it really helps the damage on a Q > Powercord(Q). Take magical footwear for the free boots, since you will be wanting to rush a sheen. Lastly, take Cosmic Insight for the extra +5% CDR and Max CDR, as it helps your early game, and the 45% CDR on Sona is nice.
For items, you will always be wanting to rush sheen, as your early damage/poke will be crazy in lane, and really help pressure the enemy ADC out of lane, giving your ADC a lead. You then will want to finish your boots and Remnant of the Watchers, which then brings you up to 35% CDR with just 2 completed items and a sheen. You will then want to complete your lich bane, and then go into more supportive items to not only help your healing, but your damage with the extra CDR, and your survivability with health. After those items, you will want to get Redemption and then your choice of either Athene's or Ardent. I prefer Athene's, since it helps your less than average healing and since ardent had been nerfed and Marksmen aren't being played, it is a good choice. Lastly, you will want to finish up with an AP item to help pack that extra punch. I choose to go with a Morello, since it gives you quite a lot of AP, and gives more AP through extra CDR. It also gives healing reduction against meta picks such as mundo and vlad. Not only this, but it is cheaper in compare to something like a Luden's Echo.
You will always go Flash, since it will be your only form of mobility, escape, and engage with your Crescendo(R).
For your second summoner spell, you can take either Ignite or Exhaust. I usually like to take exhaust on Sona, especially since lots of AD assassins will want to burst you down, and exhaust can help save you and your teammates. You can also take Ignite though, if you want to be super aggressive and looking to get a kill early, or they have a heal-heavy support like Soraka.
For your second summoner spell, you can take either Ignite or Exhaust. I usually like to take exhaust on Sona, especially since lots of AD assassins will want to burst you down, and exhaust can help save you and your teammates. You can also take Ignite though, if you want to be super aggressive and looking to get a kill early, or they have a heal-heavy support like Soraka.
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